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Dream jobs

Great Unclean One: VK

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I'd like to point out that the programmer rant in the OP is partially hyperbole.


A 160 hour work week is quite literately impossible, and the average salary is actually bit higher than what was listed.


Even still, indie is the way to go. 


A week contains 168 hours, by my counting, so not technically impossible. Illegal? Yes. Incredibly unhealthy? Yes. Highly Improbable? Yes. But not technically impossile.


As for moi, I've had a variety of 'dreams' that I've wanted to go for, most of which I've quit/turned into hobbies as soon as I started them. Writing, Music, Gaming, etc. The generic stuff.

The thing that I've been headed towards most of my life though, is Physics/Maths. Mainly due to a large natural flair for the subjects, partially due to wanting to gain a lot of knowledge. And Physics interests me an insane amount; space is my desire. Hence why I'm aiming for an Astrophysics/Mathematical Physics degree at University; hoping to get to a Ph.D level if I garner the effort.

I dont know what Job that'll open up for me, but Maths is a highly sought after qualification, so I'm sure that I'll be able to get -somewhere- in life.


Though maths-freaks like myself are supposed to 'burn-out' quite young, so I am quite worried. I've already started to deteriorate. >.>

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