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There are a lot of Dark World and Mermail players at my locals.

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Velo is unnecessary.


Also, why would you ever need Night Assailant? If you open 2 Tourguide you'll still have a dead Tourguide in hand and if you only open Tourguide you'll probably get the other Tourguide so you don't draw it. The only possibly situation where it's better to have Night Assailant is if your Tourguide is Chained/Warninged but Chains are sided out game 2 against Rabbit anyway and Warning is rare. It's not a good card to draw and cutting it gives you room for other things.


I also believe Snowman is better than Reaper, it's an out to Ophion plus it's a great +1 if someone attacks into it and it's formidable in Mirror.


-1 Night Assailant

-1 Reaper

-2 Thunder King (I don't like them as they conflict with Macro, but it's preference really. I only main 1 and I don't even main Macro. Side them)

-2 Duality (it's decent but it's a bit slow, I'm not sure about this but I don't think it's needed)

+2 Snowman

+1 MST (it's incredible against Fire Fist, Mermail and Dark World and solid against everything else)

+2 Mirror Force (I really like it, it's a bit of a surprise and it's good even just to get rid of one monster)

+1 Soul Taker (it's my random tech, it's really good at dealing with TKings or big monsters such as Leed/Megalo that would otherwise pose problems. You could keep 1 TKing in instead)


For the extra,

-1 Shock Master (it's not really needed and nine times out of ten you'd rather make Laggia or just leave the monsters out and beat down)

+1 Temtempo (it's absolutely amazing and can win games pretty much on its own)


Most of these choices are my personal preference so if you don't like them fair enough, but I'd definitely make room for Temtempo.

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Updated build. I took out the Prophecy hate because there isn't a single player there playing Prophecy. Instead, I catered my side deck to the two biggest decks there, obvs being DW and Mermail. Random rogues usually lose to either Dyna, Snowman, Macro, Banisher, Soul Drain or either one of the Evolkaisers so that isn't an issue. When I get matched up against DW or Mermail, I can side into essentially 5 copies of Macro. Considering DW only really have 2 maindecked Monsters that can beat over Banisher, and with how backrow heavy this deck is, it's usually able to flip something on Beiige or Snoww, and having them summon Snoww is beneficial if your Macro/Banisher "lock" does go down. There are also a few Inzektor players there, Dolkka tells them to fuck themselves usually, but it's nice to have the Shadow Mirrors G2/3. Prohibiton is generic hate. I kept Velo because it's an extra dinosaur. Night assailant is decent monster removal. Debating cutting it.

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