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In celebration of Evilswarm Salamandra's TCG release. Za Warudo Lock. It's a fun deck, it has some consistency issues.





3 Evilswarm Salamandra

3 Bazoo the Soul Eater

3 Strike Ninja

3 D.D. Scout Plane

3 Armageddon Knight

1 Dark Grepher

2 Tour Guide from the Underworld





3 Light Barrier

3 Upstart Goblin

2 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Creeping Darkness

2 Pot of Duality

1 Heavy Storm

1 Dark Hole

1 Monster Reborn

1 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Foolish Burial

1 Allure of Darkness




2 Call of the Haunted




halp me eirins. extra deck is pretty normal. rank 2s etc etc etc. Lock works like this. Flip heads on Light Barrier so you can choose which effect you want from ZA WARUDO. You obviously want the effect on heads. Tribute summon, or flip CoTH to summon ZA WARUDO, and choose the Heads effect. However you decide to make 2 tributes for ZA WARUDO at the EP is up to you, but the obvious way is to remove the Planes from the Graveyard with a card like Bazoo, creeping darkness, or etc. If you do so, the planes come back during your EP, and then you can choose to tribute them for ZA WARUDO, to skip your opponent's next turn. If you can establish 2 Planes in Grave, ZA WARUDO on Heads, Salamandra/Ninja/Bazoo, you can literally take INFINITE TURNS.


- Terraforming + Allure

How the crap did I forget this?

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