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[DN] Fat Dragon.dek


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Reincarnation is a Reborn with Lio.
Lio can make X with another Lio.
Lio can make Fat Dragon with Elephun
Elephun/Gearspring/Cannon can make Fat Dragon.
Gearframe searches Cannon/Fortress.
Fat Dragon doesn't care if you destroy him, as he just comes back.
Deck is hilarious.

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Reincarnation + Lio might be a pseudo-Reborn, but at a -1 (unless I am missing something):

The Spell itself: -1

The discard cost: -1

The monster retrieval: +1

The Summon through Lio's effect: +0

In that case you might as well run more copies of Iron Call instead, or even Call of Haunteds.


Do you really need 3 Gigant Xs? I think 2 should be enough. You could run another utility Rank 4 instead (Emeral, Lavalval Chain, Abyss Dweller, idk), or perhaps a Shock Master just in case you encounter an Exodia Deck or something similar.


The Goldfish look odd in the deck, because they make your Gearframes and Lios miss their effects. Why don't you try Orbital 7 or even Monky?

Lio + Orbital 7 will put 2 Level 4 Machines on the field in the same way as Goldfish does, and you won't be tempted to Summon a Gearframe through Goldfish's effect.

Monky can Summon Elephun straight from the hand for a Rank 8, and obviously its effect works well with Lio's. It can also become food for Trashy-Eyes.



-1 Compulsory

+1 Warning?

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Monky can't make Gigant X, like Lio can.
Yes, I know Goldfish makes Gearframe/Lio's respective first effects unusable, but they are still going to make X, which in turn, searches Lio/Goldfish/Gearframe.

And I guess I could swap 1 Reincarnation and a Compulsory for 2 Call of the Haunted.

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