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Numbers Tournament X [Round 2 ends Midnight EST, May 10th]

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Round 1 Pairings:
★ 24/7 - No Br'Aix ★ vs Bringerofcake
Pacmanexus vs Maribelle
Shelds9 vs Koko Jr.
evilfusion vs Wildflame
Aversa vs Gendo Ikari
Zextra vs Zeppeli Gyro Supreme
BrokenHeart15 vs Airride
clairedestroyer vs -Doodle

Remember, you may only take 1 Number when you win.

You may edit your deck with any of the Numbers you own, between rounds, but you may not edit your main deck unless it is to include a Rank-Up Magic spell card. You may not take a Number out and replace it with a non-Number Extra Deck monster. Same applies to Rank-Up Magics, so do be careful when editing your deck.

Good luck to all, and have fun. Round 1 ends Midnight of the 5th. Please try to get in contact with your opponent asap, and do not stall. Extensions may be given if a valid reason is put forward.

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EDIT: So, a question. I lost and surrendered my original Number to evilfusion. Can I fit the spot it left in my Extra Deck with the second Number I got, or do I have to go Numberless?

... Just making sure, cause someone else seemed to not realize:

You DID offer BOTH of your numbers to him, right?


And yes, you may edit your deck in between rounds, so long as it is exclusive to exchanging numbers/adding RUMs to deck.

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Another reminder:

You MUST take a Number. You do not have to use the claimed Number, but you must take it. And if you lose your original Number, you must still keep a Number in deck at all times.

EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention that the loser bracket can play their Round 1 Loser Bracket matches anytime. They are not expected to be finished with R1, but do try to keep up with them, so the Tourney doesn't lag.

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