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evilfusion.dek RL

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So after a long time of waiting and collecting, and deliberately ripping myself off in a trade to convince one guy to hand over his 2 Galaxy-Eyes and an Honest in addition to other stuff I wanted, and then finally purchasing some stuff online for surprisingly cheap, I have finally assembled this Deck in RL.


Granted, I play in an environment where most of my opponents are subpar, or if they have great cards, their Deck building skills could use slight tweaking. In other words, the type of environment where this Deck is solid.


I have a number of other cards that I don't run, but am still pretty limited in terms of competitive level cards, ESPECIALLY for the Extra Deck.


Monsters: 19


[2] Photon Thrasher

[3] Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon

[2] Light and Darkness Dragon

[1] Galaxy Knight

[2] Galaxy Wizard

[1] Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness

[1] Tragoedia

[1] Honest

[1] Effect Veiler

[2] Tour Guide From the Underworld

[1] Photon Satellite

[1] Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

[1] Spirit Reaper


Spells: 15


[3] Photon Sanctuary

[2] Trade-In

[1] Monster Reborn

[1] Dark Hole

[1] Heavy Storm

[2] Mystical Space Typhoon

[1] Galaxy Zero

[2] Galaxy Expedition

[1] Book of Moon

[1] Pot of Avarice


Traps: 6


[1] Solemn Warning

[2] Torrential Tribute

[2] Call of the Haunted

[1] Mirror Force


Extra Deck: 15


[1] Stardust Dragon

[1] Scrap Dragon

[1] Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

[1] Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction

[1] Wind-Up Zenmaines

[1] Number 39: Utopia

[1] Gem-Knight Pearl

[1] Starliege Paradynamo

[1] Photon Pallioperative

[1] Number 32: Shark Drake

[1] Number 61: Volcasaurus

[1] Hieratic Overlord of Heliopolis

[1] Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon

[1] Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon

[1] Number 9: Dyson Sphere


Honestly, part of the current Extra Deck was just to show off the Numbers I had gathered (I have 13 Numbers), which is less stupid considering my Extra Deck options are actually pretty scarce. I have a Gem-Knight Pearl I should probably swap one of my 3 Material Rank 4s out for, and I don't really Xyz for Rank 4 that frequently, much less with 3 Materials.


I have no Rank 8s other than Neo Galaxy.


Tour Guide is justified to make Rank 3s easier and additional DARKs to justify Black Luster's inclusion. Photon Satellite is used to make Dyson Sphere or Volcasaurus, and only run at 1 because more than that is just begging to dead-draw it, and it can interfere with the actual win condition. I don't run Galaxy Zero because it tended to just sit in my hand after searching it with Wizard, because I almost never wanted/needed to make a play with it.


I have a Solemn Judgment, but it seemed excessive in the environment I play in, both in payment and how desperately I need to negate "anything".


Thoughts? Suggestions? Even though it's RL, I can probably acquire the cards somehow if they're not too pricey.

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Only two Wizard Surprises me. Reason for it?


I'd say one Knight bugs me, but I kinda get why it's only at 1.


Galaxy Zero is the only big thing I see missing, given it being a searchable premature the draw back of which doesn't bother Galaxy-Eyes. In my eyes


Maybe two of that over Book and Satellite?


Only extra deck thing I say you'd need to find is Heliopolis, just because it's such a lovely thing to be able to go into, even if you don't do so normally.

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I only have 2 Wizard, heh. Surprisingly, it hasn't really been an issue at all, especially since the only search targets are Expedition, Galaxy-Eyes, and Knight. The Zexal tins were kind enough to give me 2 Expedition, 2 Knight, 2 Wizard, and 2 Volcas out of the 3 I purchased.


In most of my variants, Galaxy Knight at 2 is more likely to clog, BECAUSE it has to be Normal Summoned and things like Wizard are usually competiting for a Normal Summon slot. So far, Knight's been amazing at 1 because it almost never clogs and I've usually used Galaxy-Eyes either with Trade-In or Expedition by the time I draw/search it.


I only have 1 Zero at the moment, and might reconsider giving it a place since I got my hands on Neo Galaxy, to which Zero greatly helps aid in the Summon, plus other Rank 4s to use with Thrasher or Wizard. The problem with Zero's effect is that 99% of the time, the equipped monster is going to die to a card effect outside the Battle Phase, like Dark Hole or Torrential, which Zero can't prevent. It is searchable by Wizard, which is a plus, but more often than not, Wizard wants to grab Galaxy Expedition or Galaxy Knight.


Admittedly, I have a soft spot for Satellite because Volca wins games and a Galaxy Zero would make Dyson Sphere and/or Volcasaurus even easier to make with it. It's more expendable than Book of Moon, though, which is incredibly versatile. I'll probably experiment with that for a bit.


Yeah, I definitely need Heliopolis. I'm annoyed because once I finally had resolved myself to purchasing the tin like 2 weeks ago, it was sold out where I usually go, and I haven't had time to check out other stores.



I will legitimately send you whatever it is you need for this deck to be as complete as you want it to be.




lol, aww, how nice.

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I think the Reaper was left over from my original Photon Sanctuary Deck, where it was DARK, Level 3, and helped stall while I gathered crucial combo pieces while also having the ability to take out my opponent's hand cards, particularly when Galaxy-Eyes is on the offensive.


It's proven very useful so far. If I get my hands on a third Wizard (which is possible in the near future), I might swap them out. So far, only having 2 Wizards hasn't been an inconvenience.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've updated the (Extra) Deck now, and making a new topic would be wasteful.


- Number 20: Giga-Brilliant

- Number 91: Thunderspark Dragon

- Number 16: Shock Master


+ Hieratic Overlord of Heliopolis

+ Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon

+ Gem-Knight Pearl

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