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[CFV] A deck guide?! How to play Candy Crush.dek


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Candy Crush.dek - A guide to winning with everyone's favorite asexual football player, Jelly Beans.

I - Deck Overview
II - Build Explanation
+ IIa - Grade 1 overview
+ IIb - Grade 2 overview
+ IIc - Grade 3 overview

I - Deck Overview

Hey there. Bet you didn't expect to see this guide, did you? I know, YCM, you didn't expect to see this in the slightest. Truth be told, I didn't expect to see this guide either. Funny how that works. Either way, I've been testing this deck quite a decent bit today (Going a good 6-1 at that mainly because of how I got gradelocked first turn so lol) and decided I wanted to show you how this is the best. deck. ever.

So Candy Crush is a variant of Spike Brothers, the fan favorite deck played by Kyou and more recently Shingo in the anime, except there's one major difference from the regular version. This version plays 12 Grade 3s. Yep, 12 Grade 3s. However, this Grade 3 tends to be the best Grade 3 in the deck. It happens to be a Grade 3 Spike Brother by the name of Jelly Beans, as seen up there. He is what makes the deck work like it does. Having the skill to search any Grade 2 or lower Dudley, he has the potential to never let you get permanently gradelocked. Don't have a Grade 1? Search Dudley Daisy. Lacking the Grade 2? Get the best card in the deck, Dudley Mason! You can see how this is as good as it is now, don't you?

II - Build Explanation

You're probably wanting to see the build by now. So here is the full build as of right now.

1 Mecha Trainer
4 Sonic Breaker
4 Silent Joker
4 Cheerful Lynx
4 Cheer Girl, Tiara

4 Wonder Boy
4 Reckless Express
3 Cheer Girl, Marilyn
1 Dudley Daisy
1 Unlucky Flying Object

4 Dudley Mason
4 High Speed Brakki

4 Bad End Dragger
4 Demonic Lord, Dudley Emperor
4 Jelly Beans

IIa - Grade 1 overview

Wonder Boy (BT01) is the standard 8000 booster for the deck. He is actually one of the reasons why the deck works like it does. Allowing your cards to hit such big columns is a great feeling because of the fact that he's such a big power. The only downside he will ever have is having to ride him, because that's the worst feeling when you realize you've lost such a good Rearguard to the Soul.

Reckless Express (EB03) is one of the three Crush Rush Brothers. The Crush Rush Brothers all have one thing in common: They are the strongest of their respective Grades in the game for their hefty costs of returning to the deck after becoming that powerful. You Soulblast 1 card in order to give them 5000 Power when they attack, allowing you to put some serious pressure in early, before returning to the deck at the end of the attack step.

Cheer Girl, Marilyn (BT02/BT10) is the Perfect Guard for Spike Brothers. No need to play any more than 3, as the game should ideally be over by the time when Marilyn comes around to be properly useful. She's really just there to be a back-up plan in case your Crush Rush takes longer than usual to come about.

Dudley Daisy (EB03) is here for two reasons. One is so that you have a Grade 1 to search with Jelly Beans, making him as potent as he can possibly get. This allows you to not only make sure you don't get Grade Locked for turns on end, but it also allows you to ideally play an additional Mecha Trainer for a 7000 booster. Not a bad idea, eh? The second reason is to enable a 12000 booster on the turn you call her from the deck for a Counterblast if you REALLY need it. You mainly won't need it and it's here for the first reason mainly, but it's a reason and something you should keep in mind when Crush Rushing or choosing what to call with Dudley Mason.

Unlucky Flying Object (BT10) is a relatively new card that not a lot of people know about and has honestly begun to climb his way into being one of my favorite cards in this entire deck. His skill is, when he is called from the Deck during Battle Phase, you can Soulblast 1 to draw 1 card. This is absolutely phenomenal when paired with the Dudley Mason in your Grade 2 line-up, especially considering how you can just call it from the Vanguard attack hitting to draw 1 card and net a free 7000 booster. Not a bad card, huh?

IIb - Grade 2 overview

Dudley Mason (BT10) is also a relatively new card, but this one has been getting all of the limelight for being absolutely ridiculous. His skill is that when his attack hits the Vanguard, you can Counterblast 1 and move a card from your hand to Soul to call any Spike Brother from your Deck. Yes, you heard that right. Any Spike Brother. This is one of the reasons you play him as he sets up your entire board by the 2nd turn... But he also happens to be one of the appearances of Jelly Beans! He can be searched by Jelly Beans, allowing you to ride Dudley Mason as your Vanguard for some of the best early game Vanguard pressure Cardfight!! Vanguard has ever seen.

High Speed, Brakki (BT01) is the second of the three Crush Rush Brothers. He is literally just a 9000 Power Grade 2 with the same ability as Reckless Express. Not much else to say other than that.

IIc - Grade 3 overview

Bad End Dragger (BT10) is also a relatively new card and is one of the most hyped break rides thus far. When you ride a Spike Brother on him while you have 4 or more damage, your Vanguard gets an additional 10000 Power. But that's not the insane part. During the turn you ride something on top of him, all of your attacking Rearguards gain 10000 Power in exchange for returning to the deck. At first it seems like a down side, but the more you play the deck the more you realize that it's actually a benefit to have them return to the deck after attacking.

Demonic Lord, Dudley Emperor (EB03) is the main boss of the deck, being able to Counterblast 2 and move 2 cards from your hand to Soul when he attacks and you have four or more damage in order to call any 2 Spike Brothers from your Deck to open Rearguard Circle. Notice the open Rearguard Circle part. Do you see where this part is going yet?

Jelly Beans Man (EB03), also known as Elemental Hero Stratos in Yu-Gi-Oh!, is an absolutely incredible card that allows you to play 12 Grade 2s and 12 Grade 3s. That's pretty cool, isn't it? It allows your gradelocking chances to go down by a significant amount as it allows you to tutor for any Grade 2 or lower Dudley Spike Brother from your Deck. This allows you to not only get Dudley Daisy, but also allows you to get the best Grade 2 in the deck: Dudley Mason. This allows your pressure to become significantly more likely and also allows for you to get anything that you really want. Pretty neat card overall.


Might make something about how to play against the deck some time because it seems like something you guys might be interested in. Thoughts?
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