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Fortune Ladies of Prophecy

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Dear sweet god, this deck has such ludicrous amounts of draw power, and Judgment day is freaking absurd, it really, truly is.





.:Monsters 12:.

Fortune Lady Dark x3

Fortune Lady Light

Fortune Lady Water x3

High Priestess of Prophecy x2

Spellbook Magician of Prophecy x3


.:Spells 24:.

Dark Hole

Fortune's Future x2

Heavy Storm

Spellbook Judgment Day x2

Spellbook of Eternity x2

Spellbook of Fate x2

Spellbook of Life x2

Spellbook of Power x2

Spellbook of Secrets x3

Spellbook of the Master x2

Spellbook of Wisdom x2

Spellbook Star Hall

The Grand Spellbook Tower x2


.:Traps 4:.

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Solemn Judgment

Solemn Warning



Generic crap I don't honestly need

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