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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Exiles [In Character, PG-13, Started, accepting]


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Leah's eyes were mostly closed, she only had a fuzzy image in front of her. The only thing she could tell for sure was that she was being moved by something; someone had grabbed her hand and was lifted her out of the wreckage! She was so happy she could die, which, would be nothing but ironic at this point. The hand that had grabbed hers was soft; as she was held, she heard a familiar voice... she was so weak that she could not even speak to thank him.


Leah could lightly make out the details of Zane's head. The only form of appreciation she could show him was giving a slight grin and leaning her head into his neck/collarbone area. She used all of the strength she possibly had to gently roll her head towards his neck, and she gave him a gentle kiss.


Oh my, that was so stupid! Oh well, I just wish I could have said thank you...


All of her conscious strength was now sapped, and she closed her eyes with a blushed smile resting on her face as she blacked out. Right before she slipped out of consciousness, she had wondered if Justice made it out alive, but he was so strong... surely he must be fine.



(OOC: I actually have no idea if TwilightSoul has been around the forums, I suppose anything that happened to Twilight would be decided by our lovely GM's, being that he is not here to make the decision himself.)

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Finally getting up from the step, James was  staring at the illuminated barrier above them. "I can't find my armour, I think I must of left it at the camp." putting a few Different Dimension Captules onto his disk James was looking annoyed.

Amren, knowing that this had meant to be a vacation for James, tried to take his mind of it. "Come on, we've been here for too long. I think I saw some sort of transport land over that direction, we should check it out. Maybe they've got some Ice-cream for your fat ass." Amren said mockingly.

James started to run after Amren yelling out, "Why you little... I'm gonna' get you for that!"

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Still holding the "Medicine" cards had had asked Astrum about and making sure that Matt was still breathing, Sgt. Davidson was surprised to see a space capsule land nearby. He was less surprised to see a well-dressed man in a business suit get out of it. Upon hearing the man's question about the barrier, the Sergeant thought over what to say. "Well, civilian, for unknown reasons, a terrorist group" -he gestured at the restrained Arthur- "has attacked the tournament that was taking place at this stadium and activated this barrier to keep Gaea's citizens from leaving, and to keep CONSNT's reinforcements from entering. And, unfortunately, I don't think these terrorists care about whether you can commute to work or not. The Sergeant continued scanning the area as he talked, trying to preempt a further attack.

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Interestingly, it was the uniformed man that answered Marshal. It was not until he mentioned a "terrorist group" that the laywer took another look at the man pinned to the ground. So this was the bastard that had trashed his window? So those who destroyed his appartment were also keeping him from work? A nerve began popping out of Marshal's forhead as the Sergeant spoke on. Once he was done, Marshal fished his rather poorly kept cards from his suit and began searching for a card.


As he quickly passed cards through his hands, Marshal responded without looking up. "So if I get what you're saying correctly... these people are attacking Gaea. Has this person told you anything about the attack? No? I dodn't figure." He found the card he was looking for, fished it out of the pile of cards, and shoved the rest back into the front pocket.


"You see sir, I am in utmost need of getting out. So, if a bit unorthodox, I suggest you use this card," Marshal showed Mind Control to Davidson, "to get some answers out of him. He probably won't know much about the barrier itself or how to stop it, but since this is  an oragnized assault on the city; there has to be a leader amongst them. Knowing who that is would be beneficial for you and me both, wouldn't you say?"


He further extended the card to the Sergeant, a soft face and a smirk accompanying the gesture.

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Sgt. Davidson noticed the well-dressed man's increasing agitation about the situation, then looked at the card the man offered, "Mind Control". "I wouldn't mind using that if it would save lives, but unfortunately, cards don't usually work unless directly applied to Exiles. Anyway, the way to get rid of the barrier is probably destroying the Wall of Revealing Light that the guy who seems to have been in charge of this part of their operation activated. He teleported his Disk and Exile somewhere after I subdued him, so we'd have to find it first. And considering how powerful his Exile was, it wouldn't be easy to get to it."

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"Oh, I see..." Marshal uttered, his smirk breaking into a serious expression as he withdrew the card and put it back in its pocket with the others; "We learn things every day I guess. Now..."


Marshal had a calm look on his face, but his body showed his increased nervousness. "Following it is a must, wherever it went. I can call in a vessel to transport you, and we can split up to cover more..." His face bent in disappointing realization. "Nevermind, they're all outside of the city. The CE's only allow one person inside, so..."


Taking a look around, his eyes rested on the Stardust Dragon. Leaving the Sergeant and Arthur, he walked towards the creature. "I'm aware it is rude of me to approach you like this and I do apologize, but would you mind accompanying me to search for this disk? With you being here, you surely have fought the Exile this gentleman mentions. Would you be able to fly with that wound, errr... Oh, where are my manners. Your name is...?"

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Selina looked on at Joe, she stood perfectly still as he reached to her....then lowered his hand.....reaching for her......"Oh my mister Joe we barely met! I don't think my heart is ready for this~" Selina joked as she suddenly felt something being pulled out of her costume....and for some reason her chest felt lighter. "Mister....Joe.......did you just steal my bra?" she asked right before she began giggling. "My size isn't going to fit you you know, and look at what you did to my costume......it tore the front open....sheesh...I'm trying to be classy here~" The good spirited girl suddenly was off tip toe running to the first large enough piece of rubble to hide her.....many interesting sounds, such as a chainsaw and even what sounded like an elephant were heard, before she came back out wearing a different costume. "This one feels better on my chest....kind of....maybe if it was level 8"


If Noxus had hands he would have face palmed so hard the stadium would shake, He looked over to the young girl, now dressed as a Silent Magician........level 4......."We don't have time for this,.......and your dress is too short! your brother will kill you!"


"Oh, he'll be fine.....besides, as long as he doesn't ever know I forgot the level 8 costume at home, he'll think I had no choice......" Selina said with a smirk...this was the first sign that Selina...was very aware of her looks, and was using them on purpose.....or was she really just that ditzy?

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Serene Yelled out excitedly as Thor struck down the Burning Knuckler, "Hell yeah!!!" She immediately blushed and sunk in to her coat blushing at her swift reaction. As Serene looked out where Cestus was, she quickly looked down at the ground and bit her lip so hard that in fact she caused her self to bleed. The arena was splattered with blood and dead people laid about.... Serene had intended to help save people and she did but.. Not as much as she would have hoped... No were near she had this childish notion that if she just beat this person she was going to save every one... Tears soon flooded to the corners of her eyes and fell down her cheeks. She couldn't help but cry. In anger. In sadness. And finally is a shitty excuse for self pity. She reared her arm back and was about to punch the ground when Seth grabs her wrist. "Now wheres the Monster I just met..." He said as she looked at him before slowly turning away and muttering, "Let go..."


She tried yanking her arm away from his, but he held firm his gaze oppressive... Judging everything she was and wasn't, "Or are you just a sniveling little girl Wearing the mask of a demon to protect your self?" He said she couldn't take the rage sadness and anguish that had been building in her. "I said... LET GO!"


She said she she jumped and spun around his arm releasing herself from his grip before letting out a fury of quick blows pushing Seth back  but he passively blocks taking most of the weak blows ignoring the tinges of pain, now in the bathroom ironic to the earlier fights before Serene switches styles almost seamlessly and Tiger Fang Kick's Seth through the broken up wall. Seth blocks with both his arms still standing firm.


Quickly Seth turns and runs through the stands of the empty stadium he was kicked in to, another pathway that they begin fighting again, Seth's face not really, caring or uncaring, but his eyes seemed to be trying to understand her. Finally he strikes at her him being male and much larger his back fist which she blocks pushing her back, she falls back down towards the stairs of the new much more damaged arena. Seth grabs her by the wrist and pulls her back before he speaks, "Have you thought of anything but fighting me for the past 5 or so minutes? Learn to bury your emotions you will see much worse than this.." He says as he looks down seeing his sister in a Silent magician costume.... Level 4. "Dear god what is she wearing...."


Serene slowly breaths and realizes if she is going to help people she needs to remain calm. Shes not sure what she should do so she follows Seth down to the small group, her once huge suitcase now just a average sized brief ase.

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Zane slowly, carefully made his way out of the rubble, taking extra care not to jostle Leah or lose his footing. He had no idea what the extent of her injuries were. They had just about made their way out of the pile of twisted metal when Zane felt Leah move her head. She leaned her head in closer to his, and Zane smiled, relieved that Leah was alive. Then he felt her lips against his skin.


She had kissed him.


Zane was so surprised that he almost lost his balance. Blood rushed to his cheeks as his face turned bright pink.  Thankfully he didn't trip, and the pair managed to get to a safe distance from what was left of the dueling platform. Not a moment too soon either, because a few seconds after Leah and Zane were away, what was left of the platform collapsed in a heap of broken circuitry and twisted metal. As Zane began carrying her back over to where the Sergeant and Astrum were waiting, he took a glance at Leah's face. Luckily, she seemed to be ok, and she actually had a smile on her face, albeit a small one.


When Zane got close, he could see that a strange, draconic aircraft had landed near where Zane had left the Sergeant and Astrum. There was a very well dressed man standing next to it, and Zane could hear him conversing, but was a bit too far away to make out exactly what he was saying.


Astrum responded to Marshal's inquiry telepathically. He flashed his teeth as his mind's voice echoed in the lawyer's head. Those around the could hear it too, provided they were within physical earshot. "As if I'd pass up the chance to pay that bastard back. I'd be more than happy to assist you, and I'm sure my partner would as well. You can call me Astrum, by the way." Then, he turned to the Sergeant and spoke again. "If you'd be so kind as to cast one of those medicine cards, Sergeant, I'll be able use this arm again, and you should be able to use what's left to help the injured." He used his head to gesture to his shoulder wound, and winced a bit as the movement of his neck muscles caused the pain to increase.


At that moment, Zane returned to the group with Leah still leaning on his shoulder. Although he was doing his best to keep composed, it was plainly obvious to any observer that he was very flustered, although the cause was only readily apparent to Astrum, who could detect Zane's pheromones as he approached. Not that the others present couldn't guess at it, however. He called over to Sergeant Davidson. "Looks like she's hurt, too! Mind giving her a hand?"


"There you are." Astrum gestured toward the sergeant.and Marshal. "They've got a plan do deal with this dome, too."






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Marshal was taken by surprise by Astrum's telepathic speech. An idea came to his mind. Focusing hard on the Stardust Dragon, staring intently, he started talking inside his head. I can probably talk back to you this way as well, right? It would be very convenient at high altitude given the impossibility of sound transmission. If you can hear this, just nod.


Before replying, however, the flying creature turned to see a slim kid coming to meet up with it. The kid, whom Marshal associated with the partner Astrum had mentioned, was carrying a girl on his back, and was blushing like a little shit. Too damn old to blush like that, kid.


The dragon gestured at both Marshal and the Sergeant, still behind him from the Stardust's perspective. Marshal just stared on, waiting for a signal; but he talked to the kid without looking away. "This is a fancy pair of Exiles you've got kid. Just a heads up though, Armory Arm isn't very reliable. It may fail to be cast. As for shattering the dome..." Marshal took a new look at Arthur before going back to staring at the white dragon; "we need to find the disk containing the card "Wall of Revealing Light" and remove it from said disk. We may have to face an Exile, perhaps more."

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Upon confirmation that his plan with the "Medicine" cards would, in fact, work, Sgt. Davidson wasted little time. "Saving one for later is probably a good idea. For now, Magic card activate, Blue Medicine!" With the activation called, a large urn filled with a blue potion and a glass goblet appeared in a way that Astrum would be able to at least catch the urn. When Zane called to him for help with the girl, the Sergeant rooted around in one of his other pockets for a roll of electrical tape and some unused tissues, but saw that he probably wouldn't need them when he saw what was wrong with Leah. "You should lay her down, on her back. Looks like she's got a concussion of some sort, similar to your other friend over there. Doesn't look like anything's broken, but there might be internal injuries. Usually, sleep is good for people with minor concussions, but given that they're both unconscious and not actually asleep, and that there's no telling how badly they hit their heads, we'd need someone with actual medical training to know what to do here. Or, if there's any medicine left after your dragon's done with it, we can see if that would work." He said this while giving Leah a cursory look-over and putting his improvised equipment back into his pocket. He rubbed his hurt hand a bit before looking back to make sure that Arthur hadn't tried to inchworm away.

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"Is that so..? I suppose the situation turned out to be worse than anticipated. I had suspected Diabolos would launch an attack, but not a full-on attack on Gaea." Was J's response to Vashkin. In a way, Vashkin was one of the few Exiles who he wouldn't execute in a moment's notice. "With no way in or out... We might as well as counter their move, right?" J said to particularly no one, picking up his knife from the ground, flipping it again to it's folded state with speeds only a true pro can pull off. He particularly paid no heed to Selina hugging him, after all, he wasn't into cosplaying girls. Which, interestingly enough, seem to have changed costumes in a short period of time.


J then looked over to the people present before him; Joe, Brione, Selina, Vashkin, Rin and Tama. "You heard the big guy. We need a strategy to get through this one in one piece. I signaled CONSNT's HQ a while ago, but it looks they're useless right now." He said, trying to sound as inspiring as he could be. Of course, only 15 year old girls would find his speech to be inspiring, but he continued on nonetheless. "Joe, Brione, you go and try to rile up as many CONSNT members as possible. Vashkin, you and I'll find where Diabolos is hiding." J addressed everybody before him, giving tasks to them like the experienced captain he is. "You, scrawny boy." J pointed at Tama. Before Tama could even respond, J gave him his orders. "You and your Exile go and fight off the remainder of Diabolos' forces, if any. And you... Cosplay... woman.. girl... You just stay here and be a nice girl, OK?" With that, J gave his orders to everyone, although he could have done with the last one being less awkward.




After J's orders was placed, Tama knew he wasn't in a position to object so he just followed it quietly and signaled Rin to tag along with him. But, when he turned around, he saw Rin talking to J as if she had known him for a while.


"You..." Rin whispered to J. 

"Not now, kitten. We can have this talk after we capture Diabolos." J responded by dismissing her and turning over towards Vashkin. After he walked a few feet away from her, he looked back towards Rin with the psychotic smile he always gave her back in the day. The smile that caused Rin to forever try escaping her past. 


Following the short, awkward conversation, Rin returned back to Tama's side, who was already several yards away from the arena. She was trying to hide her fear, but anybody that isn't Tama could see that she's rather terrified. At this point, her transformation wore off and she is turned back into her original form of Tour Guide of The Underworld. 


"Hey Tama~ Let's finish this quickly so I can eat pudding..." Rin tried to joke, as Tama's mood seem to have decreased from "Not Giving a Crap" to "Not Giving a Crap and Terrified." 

"My, that joke was particularly bland, even for you." 

"S-shut up! How am I supposed to joke about the city being destroyed and people dying?!" 

"Point taken." 

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Selina was as impressed as a 15 year old schoolgirl listening to her cheerleading coach telling them to gain victory in state finals. "Yes mister J sir!" she said once while he "encouraged" the small ragtag group.....then once he began giving their missions she was very ready to accept any challenge, go through any trial, and defeat any foe who opposed the side of justice! Then once J turned to her she glowing in excitement, the cosplay scepter she held was literally about to burst with magic....somehow.


"And you... Cosplay... woman.. girl... You just stay here and be a nice girl, OK?"


Selina's smile faded slowly.....as she pondered "I see....be a secret agent...stand in the backlines.......genius!" she said to herself as she began skipping around the rest of the group, already thinking of codenames for everyone while she covertly infiltrated enemy lines. "I'll be a "nice" girl and fool the enemy!" she said excitedly as Noxus simply let out a sigh and looked at J, his eyes reminded him of Seth.....more towards the psychotic side then the monstrous side however....., but he wasn't about to listen to some self righteous "hero" out for grandeur, that was his shtick.


"Selina, you stay here with these idiots, you're brother should be out soon, he's in the middle of that explosion about to happen....." Noxus said as he flew into the air directly, far above both stadiums as he looked over at the wall of revealing light, the first wall had appeared from one certain direction, it was safe to say that the card would be over there.


"What explosion?" Selina asked as suddenly she felt a wall get torn off from where the bathrooms "used" to be, seeing her brother and some new cute girl fighting "oh that explosion.....seems he's on a date...." she joked as she tried to give the two their space.....while they're viciously beating each other to near death.


Meanwhile in the air, Noxus was tired of the waiting he would do for these humans, Seth would bring them all back to order soon enough, or leave them all behind and follow him once Selina was somewhere safe......her father would have a hissy fit if she wasn't. "Now then Diabolos....are you the one waiting at the end of this light...or am I going to have to tear some of your toys to pieces before you come crying like a child to me?" Noxus roared loudly as he headed towards the edge of the Wall of revealing light.

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As the fighting died down and everyone seemed to be ignoring her now, Jacqui took the chance to slip away from the CONSNT men, not being particularly a fan of them and seeing that if they wanted the cosplay girl to stay around where it was safe, they'd probably want the same for her anyway. Without a particular purpose in mind, she wandered out through the streets, eventually finding herself next to the barrier that had been set up around the city. Recognising it for what it was, the trap Wall of Revealing Light and a ward at the current time, Jacqui decided that if she was going to manage anything in the current situation, it may as well be trying to find where the trap was set off from. With that decided, she ejected the spell from her gun, replacing it in the deck pack to her left before placing the gun back onto her arm as it transformed back into it's disk form. Retrieving a card from her pocket, she brought the card next to the ward, allowing it to obtain the 'signature' of wall before placing it on her disk. In front of her an unusual looking compass appeared, the card Cosmic Compass, and aimed it's point back towards the city, in a direction that most definitely wasn't north. Trusting the abilities of her card to lead her towards the 'signature' she had given it, she followed the direction it pointed, walking back into the city, but this time with a more definite path to follow.

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(ooc: i took a few liberties with blue medicine. I'd like to thank Wave-Sine for introducing heath potions to the rp. Creative and useful.)


Zane did as the sergeant told him, and laid Leah down near Matt. Gently so that he didn't hurt her further. After giving her a quick glance to make sure she was ok, Zane stood up. He addressed Marshal first. He gave him a cocky smile. "Armory arm isn't an exile, but its a very effective weapon. A few years ago I found out i was able to successfully cast it if i went through the motions of synchro summoning it before i equip it to Astrum. Its kind of like our secret weapon." He walked over to marshal, and looked over the Eltanin fighter before offering the lawyer a handshake. "I see you've got a fancy exile yourself. I'm Zane, by the way. Nice to know that we've got allies. As for hunting down that duel disk, you can count us in. " 


Astrum caught the urn as it flew toward him. Quickly, he  had armory arm pour a little of it into his palm. He then applied the thick liquid to his wound, which quickly sealed itself up. "I'd have rathered the red stuff. Blue makes me stiff, Sergeant." Astrum let out a little reptilian hiss, which was his equivalent of a laugh. Then he turned his head to Marshal, and nodded, telling him that he could in fact hear his mind's voice. Following that, Astrum returned the urn to Sergeant Davidson. "I used as little as possible. Try using it on those two." Then, Zane chimed in. "Sergeant. Are there any other hunters in the area? I figured you might be able to call in some backup or something." Arthur meanwhile, remained on his knees near Sergeant Davidson, with a sinister smile on his face. It was almost as if he didn't mind being taken prisoner at all.....




"With all due respect, sir. We would have detected Diabolos if he had tried to enter the city. My Hunch is that he is somewhere outside. If I may, I suggest we rally whatever forces we can, and try and fight back. If we can get this barrier to drop, we will sure;y be able to hold the city. If not, then the enemy's superior numbers will surely overwhelm us. Perhaps we should take these civilians with us, and see if any other hunters survived that explosion in the other stadium. The more manpower we have, the better." Vashkin looked at J with a slight glare. He'd never liked the man, but of course as a commander Vashkin had to obey his orders.

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Grabbing the urn, Sgt. Davidson walked over to where Matt was, then splashed a bit on his face. "No idea if this'll actually work, but may as well try." Not waiting to see the effects, the Sergeant then brought the urn over to where Zane and Leah were. "Try using some of this, Mr. Marcer. It'll help more than anything if it has an effect at all on humans. He then thought about Zane's question. "Well, there were several CONSNT Monster Hunters in the tournament, your's truly included, but the only one I know actually showed up is a young officer named Joe. Great guy, bit of a hothead. He was in the other stadium when the attack happened. I was watching your match in case the big guy" -he gestured at Astrum- "and that Red-Eyes decided to rumble. Joe's probably in control of the situation in the other stadium, but once your friend and that little lady wake up, it might be a good idea to check."

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Joe stood up and brushed his pants off, he looked at Selina's new outfit, His eyes were just about ready to pop out of his damn skull before he heard J saying something. He looked over to the commander as hard as he could, trying to completely ignore the damsel to his side in a dress that... he was really enjoying.
"Yessir." was his only reply to J's orders, "If it's fine with you, I will take the two innocents with me. I believe I can prote-" he then looked around... where was Jacqui? Did she walk away somewhere? He looked around a few more times, nothing.
Brione, where did she go?
Brione looked up at Joe, he was monitoring the curious exile that was currently chained to the ground the entire time, trying to get a feel for his magic: where it was coming from, how he was seemingly altering his master's train of thought, and what he really was in relation to the girl that was now completely ripped from reality. Something seemed off kilter about the both of them... the exile seemed like he was weak, but he showed no signs of physical trauma...
What the hell is going on here... Wait a second.
He looked up from the exile and to the girl, then back at the exile. "Joe, identify this exile." he completely ignored Joe's previous statement about the wanderer and spoke, aloud, to his master.
"What? I asked you a question man, it looks like it might be an archfiend of some kind."
Brione looked back down at the archfiend; something was not right about this character. That girl and him had a connection that he could not put his finger on... it wasn't just a normal human-exile relationship.
Lacey sat there continuing to spout nonsense until she stopped abruptly when Brione began to touch the exile. She fell down to her side and gave a slight whimper of pain while clenching her eyes as tight as they would go.
"You stupid mermaid! Must you be so rough! You're going to hurt him you insolent slave!"  Lacey squirmed around a bit once more and got back up on her knees,
"All of you CONSNT hunters must think you're so damn clever, huh? Well apparently, you haven't noticed that I have not played a single card yet!  And you call yourself professionals!?" Lacey then slides "Wall Of Revealing Light", "Hammer Shot", and "Psychic Rejuvenation" out of her back pocket and into her hand.
"Ahahah. Let me tell you something, darling." Lacey stares directly into J's eyes, "Insanity is not a toy."
Lacey's duel disk opens up on her wrists as she slides Hammer Shot onto it; a giant hammer comes down and slams on Axiex's body, completely destroying the chains and breaking most of Axiex in the process. But just as he is about to fade away, Lacey also plays Psychic Rejuvenation.
Axiex's body slows begins to regenerate on the ground as the missing wing, arm, and most of his torso that were crushed by the giant hammer start to come in, cell by cell. Axiex lets out a menacing laugh as he stands up, watching his body regrow in front of his very own eyes.
Lacey, I can feel that Arthur is also captured somewhere; what would you like to do, my dearest?
Why don't you let Arthur and I have a little alone time then, love. I will play the wall; take my duel disk. We will see again soon enough.
Lacey plays "Wall Of Revealing Light" as Axiex flies rapidly towards Lacey and rips the duel disk off of her restricted arms. The wall flies high into the air as the city is now completely restrained by 3 successful castings of the card...
"Oh Jack, the city is such a scary place... can't we just go back home?" Lacey lets out a sinister laugh as she falls onto her back and lies there, with a crooked smile on her face.
Before Joe or Brione could even react, the exile had gotten away and the city had been completely restrained,
"Ugh, looks like we're trapped in now, huh buddy?" Joe motioned at Brione with his statement, "Luckily enough for the both of us the Sarge should still be alive around these parts. I'll give him a ring and hopefully he can answer us." Joe goes through his phone until he finds the "CONSNT Monster Hunter Database" and locates the Sarge's number, calling him, desperately hoping for an answer,
(Sorry for not giving any chance for a rebuttal; Zai and I are looking to nudge the plot along a bit so the "party" can all get together, you feel me?)
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Marshal gave a slight, condescending smirk and a quick nod in return for the kid's explanation. So he was the big shot type.  Nothing Marhsal hadn't worked with before. With the Stardust Dragon having acknowledged his thought, communication issues were ruled out. The Sergeant suggested a place to start, the stadium right next to where they currently were.


"While that might be a good idea sir," the lawyer said turning to face him; "that task is probably better suited for those of us lacking aerial capabilities. If anything, Astrum over there should accompany me to search a broader area. There is no telling where the escaped Exile may be, and as you know, I am in quite the hurry. "


With a sharp turn, Marshal walked back to and hopped into the SCE-03's canopy, which slowly closed afterwards. "Carol, restart SCE-03. But leave the AI off."


"Understood, sir."


The vessel began taking off the ground, held up by its vertical thrusters. It slowly drifter closer to Astrum, where it came to a hovering stop. Coming? inquired his inner voice to the bright dragon.

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Seth with Serene in tow had walked down to the stadium ground, of course by force Seth had to present himself with J, a superior "CONSNT hunter 1026 Seth Veritas present sir, I take it you don't need a briefing on what's currently happening, but I can say one escaped towards the west.....I was unable to pursue after the structural damage increased and I found a civilian nearby" Seth was...pretty professional, but after that he turned away from J "now that that's out of the way....sir, my Exile is already headed towards the direction of the first appeared Wall, he'll give me an update as soon as he arrives, but whatever it is you decide is.....best" he spoke as if...not really believing anything this man could do could actually help, he stared at the rest of the people in the stadium, especially Selina. "And you.....what the hell are you wearing? Your father may approve of this but it makes you look......nevermind I don't have time for this....."


Selina looked like a little girl that had been scolded....again "Sorry big bro.....I just....you know I like giving my fans a show....." she said trying to be cute.


"Most of those who are probably running for their lives right now.....get your duel disk ready we'll be needing aerial support soon enough....." Seth was very stern with her, he simply walked past her to look towards the west, waiting for Noxus' signal. He also gave a glare at Joe, it may have reminded him of the Red Eyes earlier, but more or so Seth was just making sure who was left to work with.




The scene was quite the disaster zone, bodies riddled throughout the ground and buildings collapsing from the destruction caused by the surprise party, nothing one couldn't see when traveling the rest of the world, in fact he was more comfortable with this. "Well Well....it seems you really outdid yourself Diabolos, the last great city is nearly yours, but you still have quite a lot to go against first"


Noxus landed, a few humans cowering as they saw the huge Dragon step near them. "I suggest you all get out of here as quickly as possible......I won't be responsible for what happens to all of you" Noxus warned....something he felt was...out of character, but it would also let him fire without interruption, The black Dragon raised it's head and fired it's signature Black Beam of energy high up in the air, visible from the stadiums.

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Zane took the urn from the Sergeant, and gently poured some of the thick, blue potion into his own hand. Then, he put some of it on his fingers, and rubbed it onto Leah's forehead, where it would do the most good for her apparent concussion. Then he turned to the Sergeant. "Thanks. I guess we should get going if and when they wake up." He spoke to Marshall next. "So what exactly is the plan here, anyway? You want us to help you look for that exile, correct?" He stood up, but stayed standing over Leah and Matt for a moment just in case either of them woke up. The he made his way over to Astrum. In case they did run into Cestus again, he wanted to be there to assist Astrum in the fight.


Astrum continued Zane's thought. "We should also scout around the city from the air while we're at it. Maybe help to get CONSNT better informed of the situation. Even if we don't end up locating that warrior, we can at least assist the hunters in ridding the streets of his friends." The dragon gestured to Arthur, who was still on his knees. Oddly enough, he had an impatient look on his face. It gave Astrum a bad feeling. Armory arm, which had been hovering in the air above Astrum's shoulder, disappeared as Zane came over and took the card off of his duel disk. "Guess there's not enough room for two in there.  I'll have to ride on you, Astrum." Zane gestured to the cockpit of the Eltanin fighter as he spoke, and the Astrum responded bu kneeling sown so that Zane could get himself up on to his back. He turned back around to the Sergeant. "We'll be back soon once we figure out what the situation is, ok?" He called over as Astrum made a labored takeoff.




Vashkin barely had time to react as Axiex made his escape, futilely firing a blast of magic at the archfiend as he made his escape. "Bastard." Vashkin then turned to Joe, and then Seth, who had just arrived on the green. "We should take her to HQ, if we still in fact hold the building, and then see if we can link up with any surviving hunters." He turned to J and continued to speak to the group. " I suggest we all make our way to the other arena before we make any moves though, agreed sir?" he said to J while addressing the rest of the group as well.

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Marshal saw the Stardust Dragon take off and immediately followed suit, mimicking the creature's speed, trajectory and angle. After reaching a certain distance from the ground, he steadied the craft.


We should take our separate ways around now. We can cover more ground this way. I'm not sure how far from me you can communicate into my mind, so at any rate if you see something just fly past me or something. Wow this mind talking is really amusing and convenient, I wonder if this Stardust can hear what I think even when I'm not thinking to it. It would be really terrible if it could probe into my mind and hear everything in i-ohfuck I'm still thinking to it aren't I.


Marshal coughed loudly inside of the canopy before speaking to Carol through the intercom"Keep your sensors in check for any unchanging disk signals. According to the information they've given me, the disk won't be operated since it was separated from its user. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can get back to making money."


"Understood sir. There are currently..." What seemed to be a faint scanning light came from the underside of the fighter's hull. "...55 unchanging disk signals sir. I will update you every minute."


No, way too broad. "Any signals with only one card in play?"


Another scanning light, and the same mechanized voice. "12 one-card signals sir. I will notify you again in a minute, sir."


"Fine, it's as close as you dumbass will get me to it." "Y-yes sir."

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"Doo bee doo bee doo!"


The Crashboiz, on no one's order, had spent the past two hours loading up a supposedly unoccupied building with bombs, lots and lots of bombs. All 17 floors were filled with the little black beauties, and X's glee had peaked some time ago. He left the front lobby with the reel of wire used for the detonation, and he skipped, hopped and jumped all the way to where Y and Z were waiting for him patiently... well, he didn't so any of that. He merely waddled as fast as he could towards his brothers. Z folded his arms whilst Y merely fondled himself, as his arms were far too stubby to fold them. After another attempt, he merely returned to his candy bar. "You took your time X. Y and I have been waiting."


X waved his free hand flippantly as he tossed the detonator to Z. "Stop bein such a pansy Z. I want this thing to go up in a cloud of awesome. If it takes a couple of hours to set up said awesome, it's worth the wait. Now let's blow this mother up already!"


Z shook his head a little, but, he knew in his heart if hearts, that he also wanted to see another of X's masterpieces. Although, Y wasn't too bothered either way; he was just enjoying another chocolate bar whilst waiting for the show. "Alright then, let's do this."


As he prepared to detonate, Y halted him. "WAIT!"


Z was so startled he almost dropped the detonated, but managed to keep his hold on it. He glared at Y for this almost accident. "WHAT?!"


Y held up three pairs of goggles he pulled from somewhere. "Safety first."


X rolled his little beady eyes as he took the goggles, Z wa sless sarcastic about it. After slapping on the safety goggles, then it was time for the show. Z pushed down on the plunger.


There was a minor two second delay, before the ground floor of the build detonated. The second floor followed suit with a tremendous explosion, followed by the third, and then the fourth. Each floor detonated on a diagonal angle as the support gaves way. But it didn't matter, the building was a seventeen tiered birthday cake of awesome. As the seventeenth floor lit up, fireworks launched high into the sky, reading out in fourth foot letters the statement 'EAT IT!'


This was followed by the sound many would liken to the sound of a building collapsing into rubble. Which, in this case, was EXACTLY that sound.


As the dust cleared, the only sound around, aside from shifting masonry, was the sound of two hands clapping. Z was politely applausing the show. "Very nice work X, I liked the fireworks at the end. The timing was pretty good too. In all, I give this grand show, a ten."


X rubbed his knuckles against his chect in pride. "I dos what I luvs Z. The fireworks were a last minute idea, a good one too. That'll show those stupid humans whose boss."


Z and Y were silent for a moment. "We just launched a fourty foot taunt into the air."




"In a city still crawling with good aligned duelists."




"That is... freaking brilliant. They'll come right at us, AND WE'LL CRUSH THEM ALL!"




Z and X low fived, because X isn't tall enough for a high five. And Y, just enjoyed his third, or maybe fourth candybar.




Standing aloft a building int he ruined city, a demon in dragon skin was thinking about life, specifically, her lovelife. She was staring intently at a photo in her hand; the face was scratched out. Sighing sadly, the demon cast it to the wind, letting it join the ashs of the others. The demon called Yubel brushed some of her hair with her hands, hiding a solemn tear from the world. It too was cast to the four winds, and was no more.


This would have been a stirring scene, had a building not suddenly exploded nearby, scattering her like a pigeon. It seems this sorrowful scene would have to wait for another day.

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Sgt. Davidson watched the well-dressed man climb back into the space capsule and take off, with Zane and Astrum quickly following suit. He was about to go back near Matt and Leah and watch to see if their conditions improve, when his cell phone suddenly rang. "Hello, you've got Sergeant Smith Davidson, may I ask who's calling? Oh, Joe! Okay. Right. Uh, I'm in the other stadium that matches were taking place in. Yes, well, there are two people unconscious here, both civilians. Oh, Chief Vashkin is over there? And Chief Kujaku... Well, it'd probably be easier for you to come to us, because the injured probably shouldn't be moved until they wake up or are checked out by a doctor." He looked at the the rubble of the stadium, and noticed that other than the two unconscious civilians, he was alone. An explosion from outside the stadium joined the cacophony of destruction that had been going on for some time. I hope Joe and Chief Vashkin get here soon, and that these civilians wake up soon. If there are other copies of the barrier active, we need to track them down.

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James and Amren had just finished running up to the site where Amren had seen the ship land.

"Just, in time, too see, them leave." James said in-between gulping the air.


Amren, now looking at James says "Seems like we can't be on time today. Here, lay down, you look pale." James promptly lies onto the ground. "I'm going to have to carry you, any more running and you won't be able to hold a sword, let alone use the armour."


About to pick James up, Amren finally notices that not everyone had left. Drawing his sword, he cries out. "Hey, you there! Friend or Foe?" Making sure he was loud enough for the slightly camouflaged man could hear him.

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Joe had his conversation with the sarge, and then hung up his cellphone.


"The sarge wants us to go over to him in a nearby arena.  Apparently he's got a few wounded with him, so lets take the criminal over with us and then maybe we can regroup there; if we do that, we can maybe get all of the remaining survivors out of here alive and create a plan to stop this insanity. It sounds like there's been widespread destruction since that one duel broke down. There's been explosions and chaos all day."


Joe then bends over and forcefully grabs Lacey's elbow, ripping her off of the ground and forcing her to stand,


"Let's go you, you've caused enough trouble today. I'm not letting you out of my grasp."


"Awh. Must you be so rough? Surely this is a misunderstand officer, I was just out on the town."


"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say lady. Come on guys, the other arena is just a short trip. Hopefully the scene is a little better over there."




After a short walk over to the other arena, he arrives at the scene of the sarge sitting over what looks to be a grave scene. There was a small girl, and a kid about his age. He couldn't really tell from here, but it certainly didn't look like either of them were alive. He continues to usher Lacey forward as they arrive next to the Sarge. Upon doing so, he notices that another man is handcuffed on the ground somewhat near;


"Hello Sarge. Glad to see you've made it. How are these two doing?" he pointed to the two lying on the ground, and then forced Lacey to the ground, who let out a light grown as she landed somewhere in the vicinity of Arthur


"Oh! Why hello there darling. How are you doing this fine afternoon? It's shaping up to be a lovely day, isn't it?" Lacey grinned at him; while this was not exactly her plan, she was happy to have Arthur also there; she was honestly afraid of what someone as strong as the Sarge and Joe would do to a criminal like her.


He then turned around to Vashkin and J,


"Well, you three are the superiors here; what do we do? Name it, and Brione and I will do the best we can to make it happen. I just want to get the living out of here. I've seen a few familiar faces around, I only hope they've survived."


(OOC: Feel free to talk and what not during the transition of arenas IC, just make sure it is obvious that you do arrive at the arena at some point with Joe, please. We're trying to get us out of this scene because it's been going on for a while and there's a lot of RP to go yet.)




After his agile escape, Axiex looked around the city, sensing any familiar brain waves in the area. It wasn't long before his extremely strong mind sensed Cestus, and Axiex flew towards him as quickly as possible; he was unsure of his condition considering the capturing of Arthur, his duelist.


When Axiex found Cestus in a crowd of friendly invaders, he was reassured. Slowly landing in the vicinity of Cestus, he telepathically communicated to him,


I trust that you and Arthur did all you could before he was captured? I have to say the same for Lacey, who was also captured. But all three cards were played to my knowledge, and about 75% of the city has been strangled of life. Diabolos will be pleased. What is our next move?

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