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Nightmare Fiction [Evilswarm]


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Mandrago over Rai-Oh (though I find it interesting as a tech), RotA over Avarice, at least 1 Forbidden Lance over MST/Book/Pandemic, and Fiendish over D Prison.


-1 Dweller

-1 Thanatos

-1 Chain

-1 Roach


+1 Number 66 (if it is already on DN)

+1 Nightmare

2 of Utopia/Pearl/Dire Wolf/Ophion/Bahamut/Giant Hand

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Don't run dualities They help more than you think.

don't run avarice Already been noted

don't run prisons See above

or mirror force See above above

don't run MST There's absolutely no logic behind this

(EEV is better) That's a side-deck card. Main-decking it only provides safety from Spellbooks and Fire Fists, the latter being played very little in OCG meta and the former also being turned aside in favor of Elemental Dragons

you need ROTA Already noted.

Allure is meh No reason to not run it.

don't main TKRO Maybe

you need mandragora's I actually don't need them, though I will test them

your Extra is meh Actually my Extra is fairly standard.

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Other than the changes people have already said, have you considered Running Dress and Chain?


Since Dress helps keep Ophion alive where Pandemic can't help, and doubles up on damage step business that Lance would normally use. And Chain I'm still maintaining is the best effect negator around right now, because it pins things down.


Really I'd run 2 Chain, and 2 Dress over 3 Prison and 1 Pandemic, because the 3rd has always struck me personally as excessive from my testing.

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Not playing MST is a fair point. If you go for first turn Ophion you can grab Pandemic and backrows don't matter, if you cut them for Lance/Dress you have an out to Blaster etc as well as backrow and Thunderbird doesn't care about backrow either. Side them and cut them for Dresses IMO.

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dont side out mst and people who are telling you to do it are bad. people think that having ophion magically makes every single spell and trap card in the game meaningless, which is the furthest thing from the truth. and even if they dont happen to have the right backrow to stop you, mst is still highly disruptive and a staple for a reason. if you need room for dress you can cut out the book of moon.

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