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Internet Blackout in Protest of CISPA

Legend Zero

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Oh look, a Democrat pretending to love the poor people. That's almost as original as a homosexual Republican senator claiming he hates the gays.


Real talk, this is the same bullshit "we wanna control things" as always, and offers nothing good, so it's not that shocking, though it is tiresome.

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Obama has said that he would veto it and to overturn the veto, congress needs a 2/3 majority vote. There aren't enough supporters for this to be able to pass in the near future.


Anyway, the whole issue here is that people don't respect the copyright laws so they want to make sure that any minor infraction is punished severely. Also, its not the government's issue, its the fact that corporations fund re-election campaigns and naturally these people would want to be re-elected so they get down on their knees and suck the metaphorical D for the funding. Furthering corporate agendas (I.E. this bill) is how they do it.

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