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My First deck


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My First Deck


afte much hard work...i have come up with my first deck...keep in mind this is for none tournament use..i know that mirror force and a probably a few other of these cards are forbidden...this deck is for battling my friends....other then that what do you guys think...is it to overloaded? to underloaded...i want to hear your opinions...

and be gentle...this is my first deck.



Powerful Monsters

  1. Blue-Eyes White Dragon----L/8s/3000atk/2500def
  2. Dark Magician----D/7s/2500atk/2100def
  3. Red-Eyes B. Dragon-----D/7s/2400atk/2000def
  4. Dark Magician Girl-----D/6s/2000atk/1700def
  5. Jack’s Knight---L/5s/1900Atk/1000def



  1. Luster Dragon-----W/4s/1900atk/1600ddef
  2. Gemini Elf----E/4s/1900atk/900def
  3. Alien Shocktrooper----E/4S/1900atk/800def
  4. Sabersaurus-----E/4s/1900atk/500def
  5. Dark Blade----D/4s/1800atk/1500def
  6. Great Angus----F/4s/1800atk/600def
  7. Kaiser Sea Horse-----L/4s/1700atk/1650def
  8. King’s Knight----L/4s/1600atk/1400def
  9. Skull Mariner----W/4s/1600atk/900def
  10. Pitch Black Warwolf-----D/4s/1600atk/600def
  11. Vampire Lady----D/4s/1550atk/1550def
  12. Maho Vailo-----L/4s/1550atk/1400def
  13. Queen’s Knight----L/4s/1500atk/1600def
  14. Cyber Falcon----W/4s/1400atk/1200def
  15. Yomi Ship----WT/3s/800atk/1400def
  16. Science Soldier----D/3s/800atk/800def
  17. Raging Flame Sprite-----F/3s/100atk/200def
  18. Penguin Soldier----WT/2 S/750atk/500def
  19. Muka Muka-----E/2s/600atk/300def
  20. Man Eater Bug---E/2s/450atk/600def



  1. Axe of Despair
  2. Megamorph
  3. Change of heart
  4. Rush Recklessly
  5. Lightning Vortex
  6. Pot of Greed
  7. Reload
  8. Swords of Revealing Light
  9. Malevolent Nuzzler
  10. Monster Reborn



  1. Cemetery Bomb
  2. Magic Cylinder
  3. Mirror Force
  4. Compulsory Evacuation Device
  5. Sakutetsu Armor


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If They are all 1 copy each, then i would suggest doubling or tripling some of the more useful cards. You have a lot of normal monsters in here so i would say to look over different options for normal monster support cards, like Birthright or Non-Spellcasting Area. and if you deide to double or triple some of the tribute monsters, Ancient Rules would be useful.


also, Mirror Force is not forbidden, However Change of Heart and Pot of Greed are, just for the note.


I would also suggest looking into some Xyz monsters like Number 39: Utopia, and Photon Papilloperative, to give the deck more power.


I See that a lot of these cards are old and underused, but i can Certainly understand using a deck built just for casual play.

I hope i'm not the only one that tries to help the deck without trying to shove a whole bunch of $30+ cards into it, or saying to redo the whole deck.

Good luck with it.

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If They are all 1 copy each, then i would suggest doubling or tripling some of the more useful cards. You have a lot of normal monsters in here so i would say to look over different options for normal monster support cards, like Birthright or Non-Spellcasting Area. and if you deide to double or triple some of the tribute monsters, Ancient Rules would be useful.


also, Mirror Force is not forbidden, However Change of Heart and Pot of Greed are, just for the note.


I would also suggest looking into some Xyz monsters like Number 39: Utopia, and Photon Papilloperative, to give the deck more power.


I See that a lot of these cards are old and underused, but i can Certainly understand using a deck built just for casual play.

I hope i'm not the only one that tries to help the deck without trying to shove a whole bunch of $30+ cards into it, or saying to redo the whole deck.

Good luck with it.


thanks brother....there are already 40 cards here but i guess i could double a few .....i have Number 39 utopia

and thank you for not telling me to go out and find some expensive cards...i asked one dude to help me out and he give me a list of super rare and expensive cards to go out and give....i was like dude! im not freaking rich. lol

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I know that this deck is only for casual play, but you aren't allowed to post decks in here that don't follow the Advanced Format banlist. Therefore you need to take out the Change of Heart and Pot of Greed.


Also, the deck doesn't have a theme at all. Even casual decks should have some kind of win condition and should play cards that have synergy with each other. Otherwise you are just gonna be summoning little monsters and letting them die.

Another problem you have is that you are running exactly 1 of each card in your deck. This is called Highlander. You should run multiples of the better cards in your deck and the cards that help the overall winning strategy.

Another problem is the lack of generic staples in your deck. These are cards that almost every deck should run as they stop a large amount of cards that your opponents will use and help you gain advantage. These include Heavy Storm, Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, MST, Bottomless Trap Hole, Solemn Warning, Solemn Judgment, Mirror Force, Dimensional Prison, the list goes on, but get your hands on a few of those. They are all fairly cheap.


If you're on a budget, you could quite easily make a decent Rescue Rabbit deck, as all the cards in it are <£4-5, and you have a few things that could go in there already. You could build it for about £30 really.

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