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Nightmare Fiction - Xyz Infernity


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Infernity Archfiend x3

Dark Grepher x1
Stygian Street Patrol x2
Armageddon Knight x1
Summoner Monk x2
Infernity Necromancer x3
Heavy Storm x1
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Monster Gate x1
Foolish Burial x1
Monster Reborn x1
Night Beam x3
Pot of Duality x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Infernity Launcher x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Infernity Break x3
Torrential Tribute x2
Breakthrough Skill x2
Infernity Barrier x3
Solemn Judgment x1
Solemn Warning x1
Number 66: Supreme-Key Beetle - Master Key Beetle x1
Number 16: Shock Master x1
Photon Papilloperative x1
Number 50: Blackship of Corn x1
Diamond Dire Wolf x2
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn x1
Lavalval Chain x2
Abyss Dweller x1
Gagaga Cowboy x1
Evilswarm Nightmare x1
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1


I tried Instant Fusion, but I didn't really like it, at all. The deck really proves that Infernity Archfiend is in no way fair, and that it allows you to generate too much advantage way too easily. 
The only problem the deck has is 3+ monster hands occasionally occuring, but that's a given, and everything feels too good to cut. I mean, I could cut Arma Knight, but then I'd have to cut RotA, which I'd rather not.
The 3 monster hands are often doable, though, so it's not too bad, and Arma Knight has proven his worth as a separate option.
Also, 66 is cool as hell. 2 Lavalval Chain because I actively want both of them. 2 Dire Wolf because that double detach is amazing as is removing threats for free, though this is untested. It replaced Utopia though, so w/e.
Only bad matchups seem to be... Dragon Rulers when they open LaDD, so most of the time. Otherwise, I can handle just about any deck, Dragon Rulers included.
Not much testing against Fire Fists, and could use more against Merlanteans, though.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Not even a month yet, so just gonna bump this with edits.


The 3 monster hands are often doable, so it's not too bad when it DOES happen. Arma Knight has proven his worth as a separate option from Grepher.


2 Lavalval Chain because I actively want both of them. 2 Dire Wolf because that double detach is amazing as is removing threats for free, though this is untested. It replaced Utopia though, so w/e.
Only bad matchups seem to be... Dragon Rulers when they open LaDD, so most of the time. Otherwise, I can handle just about any deck, Dragon Rulers included.
Not much testing against Fire Fists, and could use more against Merlanteans, though.
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But Leviair plays are mainly for retrieving used up Stygian Securities, not for getting Archfiends. If it's Archfiend, it's due to planning it out with Break or laughing at them using Bottomless on Archfiend.

I don't particularly see why I'd need Allure, but I guess I could try it, though I'm not exactly keen on cutting the S/T hate.

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Don't play Allure it sucks here.


Build seems solid, have you considered a single TGU to fetch Necromancer? It's a good opening play and it can summon from the hand if you really need to empty that much. I don't like 2 Patrol but that's a preference thing so I'll not mention it further. Don't mainboard Heavy. It's kinda less favorable in Infernity given the few scenarios wherein it's actually good.

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Monk is generally an option play that I want to open. If I run out of Stygians or whatever to dump, I just dump Monks, to lower the chance of dead drawing one.

2 Stygian is way, way too good to pass up. It allows extended search combos that let me fill up the board even more.

After multiple matches, I don't see why I SHOULDN'T main heavy. The idea of the deck is to put the opp in a difficult spot where they really cannot recover, and opening Heavy can really make that happen. It's hardly the worst thing to draw, as if I draw it T1 I win, if I draw it later its Monk Fuel (assuming a slow start), or I've already won.

I wouldn't mind a TGU, but no idea where to fit it.

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