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To be fair, Gangrel is considered a user on this site. He has every right to judge people's cards let alone lock any topics that aren't worth judging.


But if you're gonna whine and complain about him and not consider him a "user", then allow me to fill in with a voucher: All of the cards you posted are not Realistic material. They belong in Any Other Cards due to their lack of content. Also, the images you are using are mediocre to say the least if not ripping off another existing card.


Also, about the whole "reporting" thing: 1.) this site has no affiliation with Konami whatsoever. 2.) Konami never listens to people who don't work for Konami. 3.) If Konami even saw your report, they'd only laugh and tell you to grow the f*ck up and not take such "criticism" so harshly. This is an opinionated site. Learn to cope with it instead of accusing us of bullying.


I hope you feel like a man; you've just been fadded. The irony of that statement astounds me.

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