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The Warden

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After catching up with a webcomic I came across, I felt the usual hollowness when it coms to catching, the feeling that after all this excitement... you'll have to follow the update schedule like everyone else.


So, discuss webcomics, ones you really liked and how you felt about them.

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Gregor read many, really enjoy--



Anyway, Gregor enjoy many:
Brawl in the Family

Sandra & Woo


Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi

Grim Tales

Sugar Bits

Awkward Zombie



VG Cats/Super Effective

Brentalfloss the Comic

Friendship is Dragons

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Gregor recommend Grim Tales for reading. Is from Snafu Comics website, is crossover series (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Danny Phantom, Powerpuff Girls, and others) . Some characters are Grim and adult Mandy as King and Queen of Underworld, and their kids Grim Jr. (young grim reaper with powers like Nergal) and Mini-Mandy (patchwork girl like Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas). Art is very nice (at least now), good story. Is Gregor's favorite webcomic.


Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi and Sugar Bits from same artist, both also very good.

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Order of the mother fuckin Stick. Best webcomic.


My thoughts exactly. I've been following OotS for at least a few years now, and that comic just keeps on being as good as always. If you're even slightly into D&D, or roleplaying games in general, you should check it out.

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