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-2 Beetle

-2 Mirage

-1 Armageddon Knight

-2 Dark Eruption

-1 One for One

-1 Pot of Avarice

-3 Wave-Motion Inferno

-1 Infernity Inferno


+1 Avenger

+2 Tour Guide

+1 Street Patrol

+1 MST

+2 Forbidden Lance

+1 Foolish Burial

+2 Infernity Break

+2 Bottomless Trap Hole

+1 Starlight Road


Then The Extra Deck should look like this:

1 Catastor

1 Gaia Knight

1 Doom Dragon

1 Void Ogre Dragon

1 Hundred-Eyes Dragon

1 Crimson Blader

1 Scrap Dragon

1 Stardust Dragon

1 Mist Wurm

1 Leviair

1 Zenmaines

1 Leviathan

1 Lavalval Chain

1 Maestroke

1 Cowboy



Extra Deck is obviously quite cramped, but this build will be much more consistent. Infernity is an Agro-control deck, meaning it is supposed to set a lot of backrows to stop the opponent whilst getting out big Synchros etc. to beatdown and (in some cases) also hinder them eg. Void Ogre. They also have the possibility to OTK, yes, but that should no longer be your ultimate goal and win condition.

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