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and stay well away from nasty members. Not that there are any.



Most of the people here tend to poke holes in bad cards and call the creator stupid. Don`t let that get in the way of you making cards in general, but make sure your ideas for cards are good for the game, and start posting in Any Other Cards before you start posting in Realistic Cards.


Because if you post a broken-as-h**l card in RC, they'll go over the top in doing what is in italic.


Lastly, if you have a card you made but can`t find the picture, then don`t post it without the picture. Instead, post it in Written Cards, but if you do, don`t post the picture of the card. Instead, type out the card text, ATK, DEF, Attribute, Type, (or what kind of Spell/Trap it is, if it is a Spell/Trap) Name, and other (ex. if it is Normal/Effect/Synchro/Fusion/Xyz or if it is a Quick-play/Normal/Counter/Field/Continuous Spell/Trap).

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