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Self Dest. Button


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I threw this deck out after building it.


3x A Cat of Ill Omen (To search out Self Dest. Button(SDB))

3x Battle Fader (To keep my LP from 0 so I can get to use SDB)

3x Swift Scarecrow (FOr same reason as Fader

2x Cyber Dragon

1x Goblin Maurading Squad (Idk how to spell that middle word)

1x Goblindberg

3x Kuribon

1x Kuriphoton (for paying)

1x Mask of Darkness (In case SDB or other Traps get popped before I can use them)

1x Zero Gardna


1x Book of Moon

1x Dark Hole

1x Monster Reborn

3x Soul Taker

3x Upstart Goblin


2x Dark Cure

3x Gift Card

2x Mirror Force

3x Self Destruct Button

1x Solemn Judgement

1x Wall of Revealing Light (for paying + stalling til I get SDB)


Here`s SDB:


Yes, it is a real card.

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I hate Self Destruct with a vengeance. Drawing is just a short way of saying that everyone loses.


Also, use Upstart Goblin. It's a win-win (lose-lose) in this deck.


I know. This deck was made just to troll people and earn draws to get higher ratings on DN.

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