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Fascinating Fiend (Rough Sketch)


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Already added a Torrential for a..., Trap Hole, if I recall correctly. It was much needed, since the deck has trouble dealing with big monsters if you can't bring Atora out early in the game. I might need to fit the second one.


Dire Wolf has been quite useful, and you rarely end up with more than 2 monsters anyways.

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The issue with Gigaplant is that it's extremely weird to have tribute fodder in this deck :s. I would consider it in a different build, it does sound like a fun idea.


Monk sounds good too, but yeah, I wouldn't risk running it with less than 10 spells.


Also -1 Librarian +1 Armades for the extra.

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Believe it or not, Verdant Sanctuary is quite awsome in here, since it replaces your monsters as soon as you lose them. Speed isn't that big of an issue since the deck is pretty slow anyways. However, Kazuura is still an Insect in YGOPro, if it ends up being a Plant, I'd have to drop it.


And I have considered Lair Wire, I might test it, but what should I drop?

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Yeah, Kuzuura is a plant now, goodbye Verdant Sanctuary :C


Void is probably the best Trap Hole after Bottomless, since it gets rid of almost anything that can kill Atora (except 1900 ATK monsters, but that's a narrow margin). And yeah, I added 1 Fascinating Trap Hole.


How stupid does Lonefire sounds right now?

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oh sorry, i was tired when i posted so i didnt realise that was what you meant by "new trap hole".

i cant think of anything else to change though i'm having a hard time tell who that synchro is next to catastor


Armades, Keeper of Illusions.


And bump because why not.

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