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Wind-Up because I Still Love Them

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I don't understand why you'd play Striker, it takes away valuable extra deck space and there are better things to do in Wind-Ups

2 Warrior 1 Soldier seems awful, you only really need 1 Warrior anyway

Effect Veiler and Thunder King aren't good right now, you're better off playing real traps and you can't afford giving up your normal for Thunder King unless it's post side or something

You definitely need Soul and Dire Wolf, plus how could you ever not include Abyss Dweller?? Or Temtempo? I'm confused =\

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Did this in 5 mins and I completely forgot Abyss was a card. Never liked Soul in Wind-Ups and I don't see why I need Dire Wolf, please feel free to fill me in as I have not really kept up with the game. From what I have seen though, Thunder Kind is still a problem card, but I'm going by whats popular in my area.


Striker is in there because it gives me access to Nat Beast (DWs are popular in my area) and Bark...which can't really hurt.


I see where you are coming from with the 2 Warrior and Veiler though, what should I replace them with? Maybe a TGU engine?

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also you're playing two factory

Never liked Soul in Wind-Ups and I don't see why I need Dire Wolf, please feel free to fill be in as I have not really kept up with the game


Dire Wolf is actually Scrap Dragon which synergizes extremely with Wind-Up Rabbit. It's fucking amazing and no reason not to run it.


Soul of Silvermountain is one of the top 3 Xyzs in this deck. If you don't find it useful you aren't playing this deck properly

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Never liked Soul in Wind-Ups and I don't see why I need Dire Wolf, please feel free to fill me in as I have not really kept up with the game.

Soul of Silvermountain is a monster reborn on crack that shuts down the backrow. How do you not like it

Dire Wolf's just some generic removal from the deck that allows you to get over problems you normally wouldn't be able to get over.
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I never liked Soul because I never had good experiences running it with wind-up, its usually just a "win more" card when it does work in my favor because 1, people usually just chain their back row to the effect, and 2 the best card I can get back and use is Rabbit (not that thats a bad thing) since the rat would usually just get run over. 


I guess Wolf can be cool with Rabbit shenanigans.


Also, IMO 3 Factory is bad and will always be bad, you only even need 1 out and you have the 2nd if your 1st gets mst'ed.  3 just clogs up your hand while being a terrible top deck, so two works for me.   


Still didn't tell me what to replace the 2nd Warrior and Veilers with though. 




Main Deck


- 1 Warrior

- 1 T.G. Striker

- 1 Veiler


+2 Tour Guide

+1 Night Assailant


- 1 Starlight Road

+1 Trap Stun


Extra Deck


- Synchros


+1 Zenmaio

+1 Dire Wolf

+1 Abyss Dweller 


Will screen capture when I get home.

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