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[CFV] The Follower


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1 Battle Maiden, Tamayorihime
4 Cyber Tiger
4 Battle Maiden, Kukurihime
4 Fancy Monkey
4 Large Pot Witch, Laurie

4 Goddess of Self-Sacrifice, Kushinada
4 Witch of the Cat, Cumin
4 Witch of Frogs, Melissa
2 Battle Maiden, Mihikarihime

4 Witch of Birds, Chamomile
4 Battle Maiden, Izunahime
3 Battle Maiden, Sahohime

4 Goddess of Fortune, Fortuna
4 Wisdom Keeper, Metis
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  • 2 weeks later...

mihikarihime doesnt help any of your units hit any magic number. its only useful here against 12k constants like majestic lord blaster (being the only one i can think of). all you need is 7k to hit the magic number for 11k.

i'd suggest existence angel since it'll help with the soul charging and put on more pressure.


Edit: just realized 10k vanilla so it helps against 13k vanguards tho at 2 theirs not much of a chance of it making that much of a difference. i'd still suggest the trade out but it can work either way

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