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[MTG] Gatekeeper cycle (2/4 for 3C, etb effect if you have 2 Gates)

A Hollow Man

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I'm really not psyched about these guys. A lot of them have weird stats for their colors (2/4 in black or red?), Gates are a lame mechanic, and there's really not much you can do to make me excited about a 2/4 for 4 that [i]sometimes[/i] gives me 7 life, maybe, if I use it with other bad cards.


If this is the best support the Gates are getting then I'll pass.

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These are likely going to be REALLY good in limited. All but the white should be decently high picks.



Yeah, in limited if you don't have a lot of shocklands and you need to rely on gates for your mana-fixing then these are quite nice.


I'd say the green is worse than the white, though. 2/4 for 4 is way behind the curve for what green normally does (didn't we just get a 5/5 flash-trampler for 4? Yeah, it was white too, but still), and its only effect is life gain.

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Yeah, in limited if you don't have a lot of shocklands and you need to rely on gates for your mana-fixing then these are quite nice.


I'd say the green is worse than the white, though. 2/4 for 4 is way behind the curve for what green normally does (didn't we just get a 5/5 flash-trampler for 4? Yeah, it was white too, but still), and its only effect is life gain.



your often not going to have shocks. You will almost always have gates.


And I have no idea wht I wrote white. I meant to say green cause that just sucks. However it is unfair to compair a rare to a common.

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They're really good Limited picks. You wouldn't take them early, but I'd happily take them if they tabled, which they could easily in draft, and they make for good mid- or late-picks. You will have Gates in the draft though. With DGM boosters' land slots offering you free Gates a lot of the time, the restriction isn't too difficult to fulfil.

Black one is good, because control decks will happily take removal. Obviously all these decks are best when in three-colour, just because you're open to taking more Gates during draft.

Red one is good, because compared to the other Red 4-drop common creatures in RtR and Gatecrash (Cobblebrute and Scorchwalker), it's actually powerful.

Overall, great, efficient design. Gates were a cool mechanic.

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