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HOW DO YOU PRINT YOUR CARDS???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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my way tends to be a little pricey...but here me out...

using Photoshop 7+ or Paint Shop Pro 10+, save your card as .png and open using those programs or The GIMP (which is free btw). Open the card and scale the size down. if it helps, unlink the chain that is beside the scaling and set it to whatever inches it is...(i forgot). once you have done that, save it as .psd or whatever.


here comes the pricy part:

using a Dell 910 AIO PHOTO Printer and some good quality photo paper, set the printer to print on photo paper on the Printer Properties. set it to be best quality and photo paper, and let it print on the glossy side and let it sit for a while.


note: it doesnt have to be a Dell 910 Photo Printer but you'll need a good quality printer if you want perfect resolution cards. furthermore, this eats up the ink quickly so be prepared to spend more money sooner than regular printing.


if you need further instructions, PM me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

God so many double postes u guys wount get anywhere doing that.

fallow what this guy said trust me it works


my way tends to be a little pricey...but here me out...

using Photoshop 7+ or Paint Shop Pro 10+' date=' save your card as .png and open using those programs or The GIMP (which is free btw). Open the card and scale the size down. if it helps, unlink the chain that is beside the scaling and set it to whatever inches it is...(i forgot). once you have done that, save it as .psd or whatever.


here comes the pricy part:

using a Dell 910 AIO PHOTO Printer and some good quality photo paper, set the printer to print on photo paper on the Printer Properties. set it to be best quality and photo paper, and let it print on the glossy side and let it sit for a while.


note: it doesnt have to be a Dell 910 Photo Printer but you'll need a good quality printer if you want perfect resolution cards. furthermore, this eats up the ink quickly so be prepared to spend more money sooner than regular printing.


if you need further instructions, PM me.


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What you can do is right click on the card and right click>save as(in Internet Explorer). save it as a .png file. Then, open the file and print it out. Use Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop. If you don't have those, use Windows Fax Viewer or Picture Manager.

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