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[MtG] Sin Collector

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No, you're 100% right. This is just multi-color, on legs, targets less, and is more vulnerable. And more mana.



The more vulnerable argument makes 0 sense. Cause really, if this gets a second card out of the opponent it just caused a 2-1. Not to mention its a great Resto target. More mana is also an issue, but you never want to Duress turn 1 anyway. I know I'll bring these in vs control.

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Better than Duress because of the ability and the abusability of the card with Restoration Angel. Being a body just is an awesome idea. Doesn't have much effect in other formats, but this in Standard could be pretty good. Duress only hits Planeswalkers outside of this.



It also gets Enchantments and Artifacts. And even with that I'd rather this.

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Exile is why this will be played though. Unburial Rites goes. And, really, if you manage to hit anything with this, they can't Snapcaster it back. Then, Restoing it back is just as good.

Obviously, strictly sideboards against control mirrors.

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