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Ten Desires

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13th and newest official Touhou game. Often bashed by hardcore Touhou fans for being easy. Which is complete bulls**t. I dunno if it's just me, but TD is more difficult than PCB, IN and EoSD. There are so many "trap bullets" (bullets that move slowly and is just there to limit your movement), no defined pattern and just overall more confusing. 

So yeah. Discuss the game and whether or not you find it difficult. .

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<3 this game. My third favorite after IN and PCB. Eh, I'd say Ten Desires is pretty easy, considering the first ever run I did of it(Especially considering I was used to SA-level of difficulty at the time, I expected to be pulling my hair out) I did pretty well, I got to stage 4 without even dying, Seiga gave me some trouble and then I gave up at Stage 5 due to time restraints.


 Trance mode is pretty awesome, also Night Sakura of Dead Spirits pls.

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