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[MTG] Ral Zarek

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His +1 and -2 both protect him and his -7 will win you the game or put you in a spot where its VERY hard to loss. It would be unlikely for this to not end up as a $30 card for a while.

His +1 doesn't exactly protect him from anything though since you can't instant speed these guys.


Though I guess it's cool he has a mini mana ramp effect with his +1, and I guess you can get blockers.


Eh I'm completely misreading the guy several times. At first I thought it was double Tamiyo. I'm just now realizing it's tap then untap.

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His +1 is great just because it's so versatile. You can get yourself an extra blocker, or reuse an effect that requires your creature to tap, or get yourself an extra mana, or...; and you can remove your opponent's blockers, or cut off the lands they need to play their instants/counterspells, or...


There's just so many options available, and even the "+1 mana, tap a blocker" baseline is decent.

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It's decent. Not amazing, but decent. The +1 isn't that good. I perhaps see fringe play for it (return of RUG Staticaster, maybe). Won't see play in control. Jace is simply better in that slot, if it's even needed.

I'm sure it will appear in tournaments courtesy of some random rogue deckbuilder, but we'll have to wait. I essentially see it as a very midrangey planeswalker.

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