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CG IDEA: Silver Setiverse (now taking guidance)


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Difficulty level: Intermediate?


Imagine a vast universe to be explore in the realm of cards. Infantry, Spaceships, and Equips to go with those cards.

Eventually, other cards will appear in those sets, defined by the duelists in an attempt to create their own sets and challenges.

Where will you go with this card game idea?


Card Layouts:




Looking for about 3 in each class at the least for the first set.





Class(divided into sizes in order): Fighter/Bomber/Interceptor, Light/Medium/Heavy Gunship, Normal/Assault/Raider Frigate, Small/Medium/Large Cruiser, Light/Medium/Heavy Battleship, Small/Medium/Large Carrier, Normal/Eite(limit 1 per deck) Capitol ship, Normal/Eite(limit 1 per deck) Assault Ship, Titan, Leviathan, Death Star, Doomship(limit 3 per deck).

Hits: how much damage this can take. Shields are first, though. A set value.

Shields: Also a capacity stat, but this one recharges each turn.

Energy: Used for special techniques and such generally. Recharges with each turn.

Lifesupport: Each infantry normally takes 3 units per turn. DONT let this run out(usually...)!

Attack: Each 'gunnery' infantry in this ship grants this value.

Defense: Each 'armory' infantry in this ship grants this value.

Special: Each 'support' infantry in this ship grants this value.

Motion: Each 'piloting' infantry in this ship grants this value.

Cargo Space: How many generic resource points this begins with, and allows 'resource' cards later on.

Add-ons: How many equips this ship can accommodate at max.

Specials: Explain the special qualities of this ship, including any requirements and abilities and such.








Leader - Main support unit, deals with co-op and development elements, mainly.

Pilot - Used to up the motion on spaceships.

Engineer - used primarily for maintenance situations on spaceships.

Medic - Generally heals infantry, also good in support and tactical elements, especially 'conditions'.

Scientist - Deals mainly with 'information' and training based aspects.

Soldier - If your going to deal with breaching or planets, get these, otherwise, ignore them.

Weaponist - Boosts the attack value of ships by the default, generally.

Armorer - Boosts the defense value of ships by the default, generally.

Supporter - Boosts the special value of ships by the default, generally.

Specialist - Provides for roles not stated with other classes generally.

Agents - Deals with mainly diplomacy, security, and espionage aspects.

Rank: Beginner, Intermediate, Trainee, Average, Veteran, Professional, Guru, Master, and Legend.

Hits: Damage the unit can take.

Stam: Special ability guage, regens.

Atk: strike value.

Def: damage reduction value.

Motion: fairly explanatory.

Specials: Mainly requirements, effects, and abilities.

Activate: What you need for this ship to be classed as 'active'.







Focus: The focus is the aspect where it's applied with it's composition.

For 'infantry' just choose an external body part(limit 1 per infantry) or use accessory(limit 3 per infantry).

for spaceships, choose a intuitive system based on spaceship parts, but know it should take 3-15 turns to develop, generally.

Power Rating: This is the values used with the equip. Your allowed one set and capacity value. All 'value' calculations are based on the power rating.

Special: Name how this equip applies itself, along with any requirements/limitations.


How to Play:


Drawing And Playing Cards:


Everyone begins with one chosen ship. With a fully 'active' ship, you will be allowed to play another chosen ship, but the smallest size requires cruisers.

Then everyone draws 5 infantry and 10 equips from separate piles, always maintaining those numbers.

With each turn, you can play 1 infantry per ship, and unlimited equips pertaining to those ships and infantry.


Battle Mechanics:


Most battles only deal with ships, except in planetary and breaching situations.

To determine which units/ships go first, just look at the motion values involved, and that determines who goes first.

When involving spaceships, however, the smallest size class always goes first over the other classes.

On a tie, it always proceeds alphabetically by the name of the players, with them choosing the order.


Battles always involve attack and defense. Just compare the difference, but damage cannot be less than 5% of the total attack value.

Specials are calculated last, generally, applying to the pertaining attackers, but that's all to it.

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