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Great Unclean One: VK

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Alright, for you guys and gals who don't know what is feminism or think what feminism is, let me break it down to you.


First Wave:

First wave feminism is the ideology that women should be treated equal to men.  This has been seen as far back as the Mongol Hoards in which women were allowed to hold political jobs and join the military and serve in the front lines.  Or the Persian Empire in which they were a meritocratic society in which what you did would determine your position in society, not gender nor blood relations.  Not to mention in colonial times in Midwestern America where both men and women were able to vote due to both genders doing back breaking labor.  Since you know, doing that kind of stuff tend to make you equal.  Hell, in most ancient societies, women were in charge due to having a baby pouch.


Second Wave:


Now second wave feminism is where women fought for reproductive rights for women only, fighting for rights for women for the workplace and out of the house.  This I personally like except for some women complaining the lack of women in certain fields.  Namely dangerous jobs or programming jobs.  Truth is, the only thing holding women back in these fields are women not getting into said fields.  Then again, would you want to work in the video game industry?  You wouldn't if you knew the shitty work conditions and job security.  Or the shitty pay.  Or treatment.  Or anything really.  Not to mention the whole equal pay debate in which whether women should get paid the same for work (Which I agree) even though we have to take account in how some women take time off due to pregnancy and child rearing.  Or how men in some places are still expected to pay for expenses.


Third Wave:

This is the most hated by men who have been touched badly by these women and the most FUBAR wave.  They lack any clear goals.  This is the wave of the Femnazis and Tumblrfeminists.  Certain amount of these women believe they're entitled to both benefits of the old and new system.  They believe sexual liberation is the same as hedonism.  I've seen third wave feminists and I'll say this from what I've seen so far.  They're construing the work and efforts of the feminists that came before them and are doing nothing but trying to create a world in which they could do whatever they wish, and have no repercussion what so ever.  They'll ruin fun for everyone and change things without thought for the future.  They also want to reclaim words such as slut, whore, bitch, spinster, etc and believe a woman can never be slutty.




If you believe everything from FeministFrequency or anything similar, you're not following true feminism.  You're instead following the delusion of what modern day women of a certain caliber believe to be feminism.  Which means everything wrong with women and men are to due men.  Women dressing conservatively?  Men's fault.  Women dressing slutty?  Men's fault.  After cheating on a man, you're single?  IT'S THE PATRIARCHY'S FAULT!  What?  You're a man being put down by the legal system?  IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT.  These types of feminists also believe they should be able to find a loving and stable relationship, after jumping from horrible relationship to horrible relationship in their college and workplace all because gosh darn it, these women deserve better then their current bfs and husbands.


If you believe in having women treated as equals, which means the perks and downsides, congrats, you're a fucking feminist/egalitarian.  Which means you should be fucking sane.  Unless you take it to the deep end, in which I hate your fucking guts.  (Example: Swedish Feminists trying to make it impossible for men to piss standing up.... No, I'm not making this up)


If you believe in women being treated lower then men, congrats, you're using outdated thinking but depending on the severity, you might not be so bad. (Example: Chivalry. 


If you believe women to be put on a pedestal and that they're always right, congrats, you're a White Knight.  Enjoy letting women walk all over you and treating your fellow man like shit in the vain attempt of getting into their pants.  No, being her and her boyfriend's whipping boy don't count.

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I remember I once held the door open for a girl at school out of common courtesy and she bitched up a storm about it. Apparently it was degrading or something like that (she was a third wave I take it). The next day, I don't hold open the door and she bitched up an even bigger storm about how I was an inconsiderate jackass for not holding the door open. There is no pleasing these people.

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I find the term feminist to be pretty sexist.  


Why not call it equalism?


But yeah, I find it pretty annoying how pretty much every young woman in the US calls herself of a feminist even though a lot of them really aren't.   A lot of them, (3rd wave I guess) only want equality where it's convenient. 

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3rd wave is pure stupidity. Women are so influenced by the media and celebrities nowadays dressing skimpily happens. (Heck I've seen women at 5am not wearing very much, and I was cold in the car with the heating on and dressed for work.), so it's safe to say I don't believe in the 3rd wave.

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Funny how calling someone "sexist" has the same power as calling them a "racist" or a "homophobe." Seriously, Keith Olbermann gleefully threw those words around everytime he mentioned Rush Limbaugh, even when gender/race/sexuality had nothing to do with the topic at hand.


I would be remiss if I didn't post this.



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If you believe women to be put on a pedestal and that they're always right, congrats, you're a White Knight.  Enjoy letting women walk all over you and treating your fellow man like shit in the vain attempt of getting into their pants.  No, being her and her boyfriend's whipping boy don't count.


You do realize this is probably the only way anyone on YCM will ever get laid?


I believe that people should be treated equally in every and all cases. First Wave Feminists, the Suffragettes, Wollstonecraft et al. are all examples of people who follow that line of thought, the correct, upstanding and fair line of thought. "Third Wave" feminists have very little power, even on the internet, and barely even warrant discussion. Ultimately, if you're a man (or boy, as you statistically are, given that you are posting on a kids' site) just keep your mouth shut when some uptight, middle-class, Humanities graduate Third Wave feminist starts moaning. You are not going to make any difference to her line of thought unless you are very persuasive and speak floridly. 

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I'm going to avoid regarding the number of gross generalizations made on this thread and simply post my view on feminism:


Neither sex is greater, we're all human beings save a single chromosome. Feminism isn't a problem, it never has been. If there is any decent knowledge a Religious Aspect could give us, it would be that pride is the greatest vice. Men created inequality due to pride, and feminists are merely rectifying this. That's good.


Feminists with too much pride deem that women should be "above" men, and again this is problematic. Sadly, none of this will change, because pride is in all of us. It's just some have way too much of it.


tl;dr version: many inequalities stem from pride. Stop being so arrogant.

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Ultimately, if you're a man (or boy, as you statistically are, given that you are posting on a kids' site)


That's not how statistics work. If I were to visit a forum about My Little Pony, a TV show for female kids, I'd be surrounded by neither females nor kids.

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Look everybody a bunch of men discussing women and women's rights without a single woman around! *gasp*

No offense VK, but this is second time(I've seen at least) that I've seen you posting about how much certain types of women annoy you, but w/e

My Opinion as Feminist:

Women = Men. Really, were all freakin' human beings!

See there are things that man can do that women physically/emotionally can't and vice versa. Really, the thing these people don't get(third wave or whatever your calling them) is that there are certain gender roles, and some people just don't want to breach them. You want to go do all the things a man can do my friend and break every single gender role ever written whoopdeef*ckingdoo, but don't shove it down everybody's throats. Really, she's probably not the best example, but you know what she sums up my feelings in a nutshell:

[spoiler='Because this is not PG-13']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ7wT4CUprQ[/spoiler]

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That's not how statistics work. If I were to visit a forum about My Little Pony, a TV show for female kids, I'd be surrounded by neither females nor kids.



I think we all know that that is the exception that proves the rule. Let's start a debate: Bronies - closet furries or just weirdos?

Look everybody a bunch of men discussing women and women's rights without a single woman around! *gasp*

No offense VK, but this is second time(I've seen at least) that I've seen you posting about how much certain types of women annoy you, but w/e

My Opinion as Feminist:

Women = Men. Really, were all freakin' human beings!


Basically, this poster is right. He/she (please excuse my cynicism, this is the internet, after all) points out that men and women are innately different, but that gender roles can be broken. They also point out that those who shout loudly about breaking gender roles are pretentious, posturing and annoying a modicum of the time, which is perfectly correct.

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I fucking love feminists and feminism in general.


And I'm stating that as a human being, not as a woman. I can't stand when people bring my own gender into the picture, or even my sexuality (since I'm into girls too), because I'm passionate about the male side too. But with women, they're really something else. Creatures of another spectrum. 


It really depends on how you perceive feminism and the community you have that undergoes it, but at my school, we have a FEM (Female Empowerment) Club and it's the best thing to have ever happened to our school. The girls that run it, they're beyond anyone you'd ever meet. A type of eccentric that is so euphoric and ridiculous that you just want to follow in their lead and be a part of what they do. That, and stand for yourself too. Be eccentric. Be wild. Liberated. As women, as people.


They made me so comfortable with the naked female body that dressing without much coverage is more of a comfort thing, rather than "skimpy" or "slutty". It's beautiful. 


Women in general, they're all beautiful. 


I believe in equality, of course, and I have skewed beliefs in chivalry and feminism because it's all very contradictory. 


But I will always be so protective of a certain thing women have.


If you look at a woman wrong, I might just fly over there and kill you.

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If you look at a woman wrong, I might just fly over there and kill you.

Well, you seem like the worst kind of person.


Anyway, I'm all for equality, because I don't note a big difference between the two genders except for some physical traits.

Like Tenta said above, the word equalism works better than feminism. 


Honestly, I couldn't care less about gender roles, because I don't like humanity as a whole, so gender and race don't matter to me. Equal rights, equal hate.

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I fucking love feminists and feminism in general.


And I'm stating that as a human being, not as a woman. I can't stand when people bring my own gender into the picture, or even my sexuality (since I'm into girls too), because I'm passionate about the male side too. But with women, they're really something else. Creatures of another spectrum. 


It really depends on how you perceive feminism and the community you have that undergoes it, but at my school, we have a FEM (Female Empowerment) Club and it's the best thing to have ever happened to our school. The girls that run it, they're beyond anyone you'd ever meet. A type of eccentric that is so euphoric and ridiculous that you just want to follow in their lead and be a part of what they do. That, and stand for yourself too. Be eccentric. Be wild. Liberated. As women, as people.


They made me so comfortable with the naked female body that dressing without much coverage is more of a comfort thing, rather than "skimpy" or "slutty". It's beautiful. 


Women in general, they're all beautiful. 


I believe in equality, of course, and I have skewed beliefs in chivalry and feminism because it's all very contradictory. 


But I will always be so protective of a certain thing women have.


If you look at a woman wrong, I might just fly over there and kill you.


A lot of generalisation here - I am definitely not of the belief that being of a gender makes you innately good. There are nasty men and nasty women, and to show preference for either one (as you seem to do) contradicts your alleged belief in equality. I'm just asking for a little clarification here. Empowerment of women is the best method for alleviating poverty and for creating equality. 

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And I'm stating that as a human being, not as a woman. I can't stand when people bring my own gender into the picture, or even my sexuality (since I'm into girls too),


>Doesn't want people to bring her gender and sexuality into the picture

>Points out her own gender and sexuality


Do you even logic?


Honestly, this is one topic YCM has no business discussing because most of you people have no idea what you are talking about.

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Feminism is a great thing, but bringing justice to one gender is not gonna bring us far. I often think about how girls now get so much attention because they feel uncomfortable in their body. Which I went through as well, but the point is I'm sure guys have the same problem. We often overlook them because of all the attention girls get. They have emotions, and insecurities as well.

I mean isn't the point of equality for all? I honestly doubt that now. It seems like everyone wants to be more superior, which is sooo overrated. 

My opinion here is that any movement or group that helps one gender feel good and empowering is great, we need more ambitious souls. BUT a group of people who come together to help not one gender but both, and not one race but all is truly brave and different. 


So yeah feminism is good in it's own ways, and it helps female population as a whole. So let's not degrade it from the glory it already brings. 

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