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[MtG] [DGM] Render Silent


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This is pretty much exactly what I speculated out of this card when we first heard the name. Power level in the format? I'm gonna guess RWU Control has a boost now.


Render Silent manaw.gifmanau.gifmanau.gif
Instant {R}
Counter target spell. Its controller can't cast spells this turn.
"We have confiscated your spells as evidence. Once we conclude our investigation, you may petition to have them returned."
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Bad card is bad.

Worse than Dissipate, currently. Arguably going to be worse than Cancel after rotation, depending on what else gets printed. Way worse than Counterflux in any deck playing red. Way worse than Psychic Strike in any deck playing black.

I mean, I can see it being used in U/W oriented decks since it at least should be just as easy to get off as cancel, and with the slight benefit that might make a difference once in a blue moon.


But yes Counterflux is superior by far (which is funny because I remember it being looked down upon because of its overload)

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