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So how DID you think up your username(s)?

Fusion X. Denver

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Destinyheroplasma- My favourite card at the time
BlackFire Dragon- A card I mad on this site (I thought it was like the best card ever)
<~BlackFire~>- Like the previous, just more weird
Final_Plasma²- I have no clue, completely random
-Meteora-- Linkin Park
-Meteor≈Finale-- A mix of the two previous, Ichanged it just after I first went offline for a while, so i didn't care about how shit it was
Shadowsword Emissary- Gorz, he was my favourite card and because I got him out of a manga, I had him before everyone else I knew and I would just own most matches I played.
I think I need a new name, but have no ideas

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~ P O L A R I S ~: The star that helped guide slaves north to Canada (where I'm from) to be free from slavery. Also because of some obscure computer game from my childhood called EV Nova where you could get Polaris spaceships that were all purple and glowy and shot lasers and shit was appealing. Canada's government is such bullshit now that it made me sick of the place and the people who voted them in. The spaceships in said game were still cool but were overpowered and grew boring.

Vuvuzela of Anguish: Corporal Atlas made a facetious Vuvuzela archetype with the card maker around the time the World Cup was going on and I thought this one card in particular with a vuvuzela photoshopped next to a tearful old Pakistani lady was particularly moving and artful so I christened myself accordingly.

Petrosian: Late World Chess Champion from Armenia, played defensively and drew tons of games so he barely ever lost. This was when I started learning Caro-Kann defense theory and drawing people waaay better than me with it as a result, even the occasional master. I was really into chess at the time and there was a picture of him with an amazing facial expression that I made my avatar. I liked it so much that I made the name change shortly after. Competitive chess is bad for the soul at a certain point though. I would lose the occasional four hour long tournament game very slightly to lesser-rated players after making some horrible blunder that should equate to an auto-loss and spiritedly trying to recover and almost doing so, but my opponents were JUST good enough not to quite fuck it up when I handed them such glorious opportunities yet not good enough to go about punishing me the fast, easy, and "proper" ways. This happened pretty rarely but when it did, despair and rage ensued. I hated how one really bad move made on reflex out of overconfidence would outweigh numerous minor mistakes opponents made due to a lack of skill or knowledge. tl;dr if you play chess, which I don't recommend, be extra cautious against weaker players.

Fire and Water: Some astrological stuff. 8)

Lil Wayne!: By no means do I endorse Lil Wayne's music or worldview. Just didn't really give a fuck and wanted to have some fun and see how it
would play out. I got a lot more hate and warnings under this name, as planned. Got status banned too because I stated flooding statuses once my posts required mod review, so the status I have now is permanent, I suppose. I don't really mind now that I'm law-abiding and can post without filters again.

R a k i m: My favourite musician, couldn't get "Rakim" so I used my spaced out stuff that I had before.

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Let's see here:


Dhole: Alright, while this name may seem suggestive, I swear it isn't. Dhole is actually an Asian wild dog. It is also the name my scrabble team(I know, such a nerd) was assigned at our first tournament. The name stuck, and I have since been known as Dhole(or by the less desirable D-Hole).


Talos the Wind Ninja: During the period where I was super into Naruto, and while Talos was a giant robot in Greek mythology, it seemed like a good idea. I now hate the name, it is too long and it appears as if I am trying to hard, imo. lol


Nightwing the Dark Falcon: I should've just left it at Nightwight...'nuff said.


~Renegade~: I don't know...it just fits. It is short and sweet, easy to remember. 


~Evo~: I got bored with ~Renegade~, so I changed it. 


~Renegade~: Ended up hating ~Evo~ and switched back to ol'reliable. 

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Well, quite a few years back when I was a little kid. I was making random doodles. One of them was a stick cow. I decided he needed a name. My sister's boyfriend was playing Dynasty Warriors, and I heard him mention Cao-Cao. So, I decided, why not Cow-Cow. Over the next year I off and on doodled variants of the origional Cow-Cow, and gave them to my sister who was going off to colledge. Anyway, when I finally got acess to good internet, and needed a user-name, I spent a while trying to figure one out. I remembered the stick cow, and dubbed myself "Lord Cow-Cow". From then on, for nearly everything that requieres a username, I use some variation of that. Maybe some day I'll change it, but it's been good to me so far.


And that was a lot more writing then I expected....

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I'm a fan of Dwarfs, and the majority of the more well known Dwarfs were Kings. Thus, I chose the username Dwarven King. And yes, I was using this username on many other sites before I even discovered the existence of this one. So this name has been with me for quite some time now. :<

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Kirei Kotomine is my as-of-now favorite anime character ever. That's really all there is to it~



Goodness...that was a year ago I first came up with this username...I guess I wanted something cool-sounding, mixed with French. :)


........There's nothing French about 'Optical Galaxy Star'.

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Arin is taken from this beautiful thing:


[spoiler='Hot Bombshell Girl Who I want to Bang theoretically']




but I decided that that wasn't fantastic enough, so I tacked on "The Illustrious" because she is.



Wanting to bang an anime character?




OT: Toyo called me Jeff, therefore I became Jeff.

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Sweet baby jeebus, I've got plenty of history to go through. I guess I could go through them! :3


blacklustersoldier78The name I joined with; welp, still makes me cringe... Well, not really. It's more the shit I said and did then rather than the name. blacklustersoldier on it's own was taken so I tacked on a random number and went with it until...

GodPuppy - Puppies r cute. Might also have something to do with god being dog backwards. Again, cringe.

.:BleshB:. - And here, more or less, begins the designer part of this timeline. I started with the above, but I needed a fancy name for my fancy skillz. Don't even anymore how I came up with this pile of shite.

MadsenStill how most know me and what I roll with mostly. Taken from Madsen of the Swedish Little Gamers, I used both his name and avatar and I still use this.

Reus - Marco Reus, german footballer. Has sexy skills and sexy hair. And sexy-ass last name so lol


I've jumped back to the first three now and then because nostalgia.

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Airride_Master (And Variants) - I really liked Kirby Air Ride, so...yeah. Eventually I shortened it to just Airride since master is not only generic, but it made it shorter. It's become my common name, so I try to stick with variants of it nowadays.

Genex Ally Remote (And Variants) - I have A Genex Fetish, and Remnote is the coolest looking of them. As with Airride, I shortened it to Remote Later. my Japansese name was the Japanese name for 'Remote as well.

Guardian Ceal - My favorite guardian. 'Nuff said.

Evoltile Westlo - Coolest Evol. 'Nuff said.

Machine King Prototype - I forget exactly why, but I wanted to become lord of all robots. Plus I remember him from when I first started Playing.

Lord Vennominon - Coolest Reptile. 'Nuff Said.

Disgruntles Man - Part of New Years name changing thing. I made a status saying I was no longer disgruntles, so they changed it to the opposite.

no. - I complained abou my name, asking for something better. this was their reply.

J . K. Rowling - IDK.

no. better - I said I liked no. better. They likes "no." as well, but they made a joke off of it.

#1 IN COUNTY FAIR - I asked them to change my name to anything. So they did.

Missingno. - GAIZ IM CLEVER. Spawned off of being "no." and how I was "Missing" it.

Flarride - Fire-themed Airride because I like fire stuff.

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Lil Wayne!: By no means do I endorse Lil Wayne's music or worldview. Just didn't really give a fuck and wanted to have some fun and see how it
would play out. I got a lot more hate and warnings under this name, as planned. Got status banned too because I stated flooding statuses once my posts required mod review, so the status I have now is permanent, I suppose. I don't really mind now that I'm law-abiding and can post without filters again.


I've always wondered whether moderators are harsher on people because of their names and whether it is an important factor in generic moderator bias. This is quite interesting.

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