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So how DID you think up your username(s)?

Fusion X. Denver

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From start to finish, since everyone else is doing it (totally not bandwagoning~)


tuffguy1992: This was my username for pretty much everything. I first used it for my Yahoo email after I was told to change it after I was hacked. Since then, the name just stuck to me. I also asked a mod back then to change my name to Xemnas so it would fit my title as a member of the Organization XIII, but he never did.

BludMonkey: After a year-long hiatus, I returned being told to change my username. I was strangely obsessed with blood and gore at the time, and my Chinese animal was the monkey, which fits my personality perfectly. However, I didn't want to be generic with the word "Blood", so I threw a "u" in place of "oo". I had no regrets.

Blud: Figured it was time to end the whole "no spaces" phase on the forum, plus I'm not a big fan of any names more than 2 syllables long. So I got rid of "monkey". Not a single f*ck was given that day.

Brothar: Another call for a name change. This time it was derived of a nickname I received while working at Dairy Queen. I was dubbed the name "Lothar, Gladiator of Blizzards", and I adopted it as canon for the remainder of my days working there. When the name change option was available, I wanted to change it to that, but decided to replace "Lo" with "Bro" because it sounded much cooler. Surprisingly, this name has made my nickname "Thar" canon for more than a year now.

~Gharvantium~: Don't ask. It sounded cool at first, but I realized my mistake and changed it the next day.

Ongaku Matsuri: A quick save for the last name. It translates to "Music Festival", because I was obsessed with music and I still am. It was also the day when I adopted an anime theme for my profile.

Crimson Thar: Everyone wanted the name of Thar to return, so it came back with a bloody twist to commemorate the name of Blud and all its glory.

Thar Ablaze: Still sticking with the name of Thar, but this time I adopted the power of fire and wind, entitling me as a man on fire.

Stone Cold Loki: Thar was getting rather old, so a change was in order. Loki has always been one of my favorite figures of mythology, and I'm all for causing mischief. However, Loki shows his personality ten-fold. I'm usually not that interesting in general, so the term "stone cold", which was also one of my favorite wrestlers in the history of WWE, came to mind, and the name unfolded and rolled off the tongue like saliva.

Loki Rancid: I was watching Teen Titans straight through, and Johnny Rancid was one of my favorite villains. So I named myself after him.

Dalek Thar: Okay, I have been VERY spontaneous with my obsession for TV shows and video games for a while. This was during my run-through of Doctor Who. I was obsessed with the Daleks and I just couldn't resist changing my name.

One Last HOORA!: Name change fiasco shenanigans. Fun times.

Yan-Tsundere Barrel: This was actually a suggestion for Desu during the name change fiasco, but instead they gave it to me. I guess I never clarified it was for him, but I actually kinda liked it.

Lombax Loki: Back to Loki, this time during a playthrough of Ratchet and Clank.

Kenny Thar: Another run-through and obsession, this time with South Park. After the first season or two, I couldn't help but watch Kenny die over and over again only to be brought back to life. The guy was freaking Chuck Norris before Chuck Norris jokes! Plus who else would try to give their own mother an abortion with a plunger?

Admin4: Happy April Fool's day to you too, mods. -_-

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King Matrix > King. - Jul 29, 2010


Funny story, King just suddenly came into my mind because I originally planned to have my name be "Tom Matrix" to match a wrestling character that I applied for a huge wrestling fan fic on here and quickly asked for it to be King Matrix just before it was changed. I soon dropped the Matrix after it felt like an idiotic name to me so I became King.


King. > Thomas King - Jun 04, 2011


This was used to match my Trio of DEF character, I'm pretty sure that since everyone else who had a character was doing it, or their name was practically the same in the story as on YCM then it would make sense for me to follow it. It also let me show my real first name on here.


Thomas King > =King= - Sep 20 2011 


Just dropped my first name and added equals symbols because I thought it looked cool and neat.

=King= > =KINGSTAR= - Jan 23, 2012


I believe the star was added because I became a huge fan of Black Star from Soul Eater and wanted my name to reflect that in some way. The capitols made it look neat in my opinion and looked like you would shout it out when you read it, which black star commonly shouts his name out in the series.

=KINGSTAR= > .King. - Apr 17, 2012


Grew tired of the caps and equals symbols so I made it look shorter and neat.


.King. > I LOVE YOU TOO. Jul 17, 2012


Ha ha this was when Yankee went on that name changing rampage on smeargle and I messaged him saying that I loved him for doing that to smeargle because I thought it was hilarious.


I LOVE YOU TOO > .King...loves Yankee Jul 17 2012


I asked him to change it back to .King. and he did this... lol


.King...loves Yankee > .King. Jul 17 2012


Finally changed it back.


.King. > Kingdom Star Dec 15, 2012


My recent name was changed to match my youtube channel and PSN channel. I don't really know where the Kingdom part came from but it I think it fits. Maybe there were too many people with King in their name and I just wanted to change it a little bit to separate myself. I remember Kyng had his name way too similar to mine and it annoyed me slightly. 

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[b]striker9211[/b] I was going for Striker when I first registered since it was a nickname I had used prior. When that wasn't available, I just put random numbers in front of it.

[b]War Torn[/b] This was the name that I put on after the flame thread that I was involved in. It originally was done to show repentence for my sins, but I turned it into a scapegoat to hide from what I had done.

[b]Striker[/b] Back to the basics, and thank goodness Striker was available.

[b]Mr. Striker[/b] I added Mr. to this just to get an edge on a forum game here. The name stuck as I started using Phoenix Wright themed avi and sigs.

[b]Darius the Just[/b] Thought I'd do something other than Striker for a change. Since I did use the name Darius for the YCMLS that year, I thought it'd be a good username.

[b]Strikeman[/b] It's my Gamertag (Strikem4n) for XBox Live, and I was still a bit tired of having Striker as my name.

[spoiler=Name Change Fiasco #1]


Striker..... Striker Jul 31 2012 04:34 PM Striker. Striker..... Jul 31 2012 04:15 PM I love Smeargle. A lot. Striker. Jul 30 2012 07:12 PM Strikeman I love Smeargle. A lot. Jul 30 2012 07:02 PM NONE FOR YOU Strikeman Jul 30 2012 07:01 PM No homo right? NONE FOR YOU Jul 30 2012 06:59 PM CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES No homo right? Jul 30 2012 06:31 PM WITH A TUG OF ITS MANE CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES Jul 30 2012 06:25 PM WITH A TUG OF ITS MAN WITH A TUG OF ITS MANE Jul 30 2012 06:23 PM LOOK AT MY HORSE WITH A TUG OF ITS MAN Jul 30 2012 06:23 PM Strikeman LOOK AT MY HORSE Jul 30 2012 06:22 PM LOOK AT MY HORSE Strikeman Jul 30 2012 06:22 PM MY HORSE IS AMAZING LOOK AT MY HORSE Jul 30 2012 06:21 PM FOREVER NOT A MOD MY HORSE IS AMAZING Jul 30 2012 06:19 PM 12TH NAME TODAY FO SHO FOREVER NOT A MOD Jul 30 2012 06:11 PM man hoe fo sho 12TH NAME TODAY FO SHO Jul 30 2012 06:10 PM NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP man hoe fo sho Jul 30 2012 06:08 PM Koko's Bitch NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP Jul 30 2012 06:07 PM I just peed a little... Koko's Bitch Jul 30 2012 06:01 PM I just peed a litte... I just peed a little... Jul 30 2012 05:59 PM Mods scare me I just peed a litte... Jul 30 2012 05:58 PM Fighting is pointless Mods scare me Jul 30 2012 05:57 PM Why do you have a potato? Fighting is pointless Jul 30 2012 05:53 PM Caged Strikeman Why do you have a potato? Jul 30 2012 05:48 PM Strikeman Caged Strikeman Jul 30 2012 05:44 PM The Man of Striking Strikeman Jul 30 2012 09:14 AM Strikeman The Man of Striking Jul 30 2012 08:11 AM lvl 99 holy paladin Strikeman Jul 23 2012 05:55 PM - Dharc - lvl 99 holy paladin Jul 23 2012 04:52 PM ZeroChiIl - Dharc - Jul 23 2012 04:48 PM Christopher MacKenzie-Skea ZeroChiIl Jul 23 2012 04:48 PM Jesse S. Hall Christopher MacKenzie-Skea Jul 23 2012 04:43 PM Alice's Child Jesse S. Hall Jul 23 2012 04:28 PM Strikeman - James Holmes Alice's Child Jul 23 2012 04:17 PM señor Strikeman Strikeman - James Holmes Jul 23 2012 04:09 PM monsieur Strikeman señor Strikeman Jul 23 2012 08:27 AM el Strikeman


[b]Striker[/b] Back to how it was before, and for the better too since this is the name I'm known for.

[b]Archbaron Striker[/b] Just a fad in the NDL that Opal helped out with. Thanks Opal. <3

[b]Nathanael Darius Striker[/b] It was my Skype name at the time. Also, this is the first time I included my first name (Nathan) in my username.

[b]Envoy of the Striker[/b] I'm a Chaos fanboy, and this named showed it since I had a bit of a man-crush on BLS-EotB.

[spoiler=Name Change Fiasco #2]


King Moron Envoy of the Striker Dec 31 2012 12:29 PM HUMANS. STOP THIS. King Moron Dec 31 2012 11:50 AM WRONG TREE HUMANS. STOP THIS. Dec 31 2012 11:47 AM STOP IT. STRIKER HUMAN. WRONG TREE Dec 31 2012 11:26 AM rekirtS STOP IT. STRIKER HUMAN. Dec 31 2012 11:24 AM DO YOU. KNOW WHO I AM? rekirtS Dec 31 2012 11:23 AM Dae's minion DO YOU. KNOW WHO I AM? Dec 31 2012 11:23 AM IT WAS I. STIKER HUMAN. Dae's minion Dec 31 2012 11:20 AM Envoy of the Striker IT WAS I. STIKER HUMAN. Dec 31 2012 11:13 AM not!Chris Envoy of the Striker Dec 31 2012 10:19 AM Ich heiBe Striker not!Chris Dec 31 2012 10:08 AM Chris Ich heiBe Striker Dec 31 2012 10:01 AM Envoy of the Striker Chris Dec 31 2012 06:20 AM War Pawn Envoy of the Striker Dec 27 2012 05:12 PM


[b]Striker[/b] Back to the basics, again.

[spoiler=More Antics]


Tohru Adachi Striker Jan 28 2013 03:56 PM Striker - TRUE FORM Tohru Adachi Jan 28 2013 02:47 PM Striker Striker - TRUE FORM Jan 28 2013 02:44 PM BLACK FOR PRESIDENT! Striker Jan 07 2013 08:41 PM Striker BLACK FOR PRESIDENT! Jan 07 2013 08:24 PM Striker the Emo(tional) Striker Jan 05 2013 02:42 PM Desperado Finale Striker the Emo(tional) Jan 05 2013 02:39 PM Striker Desperado Finale Jan 05 2013 02:05 PM Desperado Finale Striker Jan 05 2013 11:56 AM Striker Desperado Finale Jan 05 2013 10:08 AM


[b]Black Kitsune[/b] Something I did for Spike while we were dating. I do not regret dating him at all.

[b]Striker Again[/b] Pika's doing I imagine after I complained about someone taking Striker.

[b]Striker.[/b] My current username, and my way around some validating member stealing my usual Striker.

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NightWalker because Vampire sounded far too cliche/expected/simple. 

Artisan because I got tired of the former and because my ego demanded a more fitting name. 

Nw because everyone called me that regardless. 

Night because sex. 

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TheGreatEnguin - I couldn't think of anything to use which led to me not registering for a few days (maybe weeks). Then one day me and may friend started talking about how the letter P was useless. I don't know why, maybe there's something deeply wrong with me, but eventually we realised every word that starts with P sounds better without it - ineapple, otato, igeon, enguin. And there you have it.

Ęɳɢuǐɳ - Thought it looked cool at first. Hated it after 20 minutes.

Galactic Overlord Enguin - Became briefly obsessed with the sexy images on all the Alien cards and wanted a name that could sort of link to them.

Enguin - Finally just went to the name I had always wanted. PSN tells me this name isn't available, but when I tried to add the guy called Enguin, it also told me that that name doesn't exist -_-. So yeah. I'll probably change it now.

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Nightwing2199: My starting username when I joined in 08. It was a normal username that I used almost everywhere, so thought I would just use it here too.

Chaos Sonic: Unsure of the exact time I changed to Chaos Sonic, but it was at a time where name changes were REALLY big (When aren't they). Sonic was always my favorite character, so it was an obvious choice for the second part. However, with the Chaos part...it was all because of Shadow really. Right, was the birth of my current username.

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Explained already, but what the heck.


Blood Rose - Summing up fav anime characters.

Yin, Rua, Suigintou - inspired by anime characters of those names (Darker Than Black, 5Ds And Rozen Maiden respectively)

Cin - Nickname from another forum which I liked.

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A long time ago when I was asked to make a Skype account for this online game I used to play, I decided to use a different name because I didn't like my current one, so I chose something completely random and added "dude" because I must have been like 13 at that time. Coincidentally, the adjective "torpid" fits me well.


A more... complete version of the above name. Again, it appeared to me out of thin air, and it let me have a "z" in my name. I don't know what I was thinking those years ago.

T - Abhorrence

By the time I started to see my negative qualities, I had realized that I am much too socially inept to actually be nice on the internet. Therefore, I changed my name to this and cautiously climbed the ladder to recognition. Miraculously, it has went smoothly for me. I don't have an absolute favorite word, but "abhorrence" is one of my favorites.

A Background Character

This is a mockery on usernames as most of the background characters that come to mind (at least mine) do not actually have names. It's also named after a certain background character that I have grown very attached to for some weird reason, though you would be asking too much for me to tell you which one it is. In a negative sense, this name is a sign of my self-degrading and how I'm still just a random nobody on these forums. Despite that, I still like this name and don't have any immediate plans on changing it.

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When I was a kid I had an imaginary friend named Vlaine. I grew up writing stories and using some of the names I created in them.  I'm now creating a game with my friends and I'm still using that name for one of my characters, so I guess it only fits that I'd use this name for online (nonexistent) identities.

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Zaziuma -  Because I needed a name on the internets, and this was that, no fun reason sadly.


Zazubat - Because of Sora (and others) calling me Zazu all the time, so at some point I just started to accept it and then renamed myself this, and now my persona is a Zabat. Yup, lame as fuck.

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[b]Rucario:[/b] The 'Ru' came from the Chinese name that stood for 'scholar', and 'cario' came from Cairo, since I was pretty obsessed with Egypt at the time. It was only later that I realized that a Sinnoh Pokemon was named after it.


[b]Merciful Idiot:[/b] It's a really long story, but there were many factors into me choosing that name, such as Dealer Umbra and Snitch constantly tracking me down, and the expectation that I would be banned immediately after making the account. I originally wore it as a label, to show everyone that 'please be merciful with me, because I am an idiot'. Somewhere along the lines, I grew to forever adopt it. Every time I change it, it feels stale on my tongue, and I've grown to think of myself as Merciful Idiot, so I always change it back anyway. And thus, I'll continue to use this username until the end of time.

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warmaker29 > God Pikachu > Pikachu(tm) > Pikachu


I think the irony of my username was I never truly liked Pikachu, but over the two years and a bit or so I've been here, I have slowly grown to like the little yellow rat. It was inspired by a small avatar I once used which was a Pikachu holding a green lightsaber. Back in 2008, it was the time when name changes got popular, especially names beginning with 'God', so I changed it from warmaker29 to God Pikachu. Then the (tm) trend got popular, so I changed it to that. Then for some miraculous reason the name 'Pikachu' was available so I changed it to that. 


Its a shame that, since I've left for nearly three years, I don't really like this name anymore. I've done so much with this name...Club Pikachu, Pikagroup, and all the many names I've used to make this little symbol of a name stand out. How childish I was back then.

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Toot originally came from my first account here back in 2007... Lilmantoot [s]Yay for alts [/s] Scope... most recent alt name iRioulu!... Riolu is my favorite pokemon. I used the i! around it because the username was already in use. DISASTROUS!!... Chibi Disastrous was one of my favorite created cards. CHIBIOUS!! Sekiiro Ren... Cool vocaloid right thar. Yuuichirou... Tajima was my favorite character on Oofuri (Big WindUp) First Lieutenant and Major Toot... obviously titles. Mainly because of Blazblue. Kenji.... Its from that manga I used to read. I can't remember the name though. Chibi.... I'm a chibi fanatic. CHIBIOUS!! Itama Senju... His hair is awesome. Nuff said

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All the names I had before my current one were because of lack of creativity. The reason I chose my current one was because I wanted my profile pic to be a beedrill and a name to go with it. I had finished watching gurren laggan a few days before the name change so yeah. Piercer of the Heavens came to be my name and even though beedrill is no longer my avatar I have grown to like the name. I have even used it on my PSN account, would have used it on my xbox live account if I didn't already have an account, and have it as my Wii U account name thingy...

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