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My first GIF


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I don't think that this is something that really belongs in the Graphics Showcase section but if I had to give it a critique, the GIF is pretty LQ and you probably could've found a much nicer recording.

I could go to Netflix and record with my phone then convert it into a mp4 or just go ahead and convert it into a GIF, but I gotta see if Netflix has it and the episode in question . . .

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I could go to Netflix and record with my phone then convert it into a mp4 or just go ahead and convert it into a GIF, but I gotta see if Netflix has it and the episode in question . . .

You're making this much more complicated than it needs to be. Just find the episode somewhere online, download it, then convert that. It'll likely be a much better recording than a cell phone can offer.

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Totally agree with Kakashi here. I used to download an episode use a program to take frames every fraction of a second, convert those frames to GIF (I could find a Video to JPG not to GIF)/reduce size then use another to stitch it together. If you can provide a better quality raw file you can make a decent GIF. I haven't made one for a while since Windows 7 cannot help me find dead frames.

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I believe Photoshop Imageready among others can deal directly with the video. I did remember trialling another GIF maker which I think did from video for the life of me I cannot remember it, but it did do quite good quality animations.

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