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Weird Agent Deck am running.

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I don't understand the purpose of Nova Summoner and Shining Angel. The only thing I can see they would do it stall and get Fairies in grave for Kristya. They don't contribute to the deck's win condition at all.

Also Safe Zone should probably be replaced with Forbidden Lances and maybe a second TT. If you take out the Angels/Novas (which you should) then take out 1 Creature Swap.

You can then add things like Gorz, Tragoedia, Maxx "C" and the like.

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Oh, for some reason I thought the Statues were Nova Summoners


I still don't think that's a great idea. You would need a lot more backrow protection for that to be a viable stalling strategy, and Agents simply don't have room for enough backrows.

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