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Duelist Kingdom Labyrinth Wall


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Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted a card here. Anyway, I'm working on this Labyrinth Wall card that follows the rules used when Yugi and Joey faced Para and Dox. I think it's pretty much finished, however I'm sure there are some things that need to be changed or added. I'm sure that there might be some rulings that need to be clarified but not added to the card's text as well. Any feedback including but not limited to, OCG corrections, effect suggestions,and ruling questions will be much appreciated. I plan on adding other cards to this set if this gains enough interest.


With some further ado, I present to you all a card with a card description so long that it puts cards like Vennominaga the deity of Poisonous Snakes, (660 characters) and the original printing of Toon Dark Magician Girl (670 characters) to shame; an accurate depiction of the Duelist Kingdom Version of Labyrinth Wall! (1602 characters)




When this monster is Summoned, it is placed in the Field Card Zone. This card is treated as a Field Spell Card. (It is still treated as an Effect Monster Card.) This activation is treated as a Normal Summon in Defense Position in addition to a Spell Card activation. When activated, the Duel becomes a "Labyrinth Duel". The field becomes the labyrinth maze that is shown in this card's picture. Each monster in Attack Position can move up to 1 space equal to its LV per turn. Monsters do not have to move the full amount. Allied Monster Cards can share a space. Allied Monster Cards can move through each others space but they cannot move through a space that is occupied by an opponent's monster. Winged Beast-Type and Dragon-Type monsters cannot move into the labyrinth. Monster Cards can attack another monster only if they are on an adjacent space to that monster and only if there is not a wall between them. Monster Cards can only be Summoned on their respective owner's side of the field. If a monster gets to the opponent's end of the field, it can attack directly if there are no monsters on that side of the field. This card cannot attack. There can only be 1 "Labyrinth Wall" on the field at once. (This does not include cards that are treating their name as "Labyrinth Wall.") If this card is destroyed, the Labyrinth Duel reverts back to a regular Duel unless it was tributed to Fusion Summon "Wall Shadow". If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of "Wall Shadow" it is placed in the Field Card Zone and is treated as a Field Spell Card. (It is still treated as an Effect Monster.)


The Wall Shadow effect that is mentioned is as follows:


When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Labyrinth Wall" from your Graveyard in Defense Position.





  • "Labyrinth Wall" can be attacked and destroyed by battle.
  • "Labyrinth Wall" does not take up a Monster Card Zone, it is only placed in the Field Card Zone.

Notes: I think I should add a way so that Labyrinth Wall cannot be switched out of Defense Position. This would replace "This card cannot attack." as if it cannot switch out of Defense Position, it cannot attack.

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