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Worst deck in the world(60 Card Chaos Elemental Dragon Gallis Merchant Turbo)

Sunn O)))

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..... :/ ..........................I.......Um.......... (._.)=\\).........*shoot self*
What the F*** am i looking at?
..... -copies deck in YGOPRO and tests- Let see how good it is...... i get 2 you on that....

.......... Conclusion........ Delete that Cluster f*** of a deck, it's F***ing Stupid as F***, i had 4 people quit on me coz my turn took too far long and 3 win coz I basically swarmed a bunch of dragons and sheet.... this was in ygopro, the deck is gonna ultra slow as F*** in DN with everything being manual >_>... Do youself a favour and to any one else....DOn't Run THAT Deck AT ALL.....

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So, you're mad because the deck wins? There are a ton of decks that take a while. Like Spellbooks, for example. Maybe you should review how the game works. ._.


Not to say there aren't any flaws with this deck, I would take out 1 each of the little E-Drags. You will never need more than 2.


And also, you can't pull off the Gallis OTK without Doom. And I don't see Doom.

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..... :/ ..........................I.......Um.......... (._.)=\\).........*shoot self*
What the F*** am i looking at?
..... -copies deck in YGOPRO and tests- Let see how good it is...... i get 2 you on that....

.......... Conclusion........ Delete that Cluster f*** of a deck, it's F***ing Stupid as F***, i had 4 people quit on me coz my turn took too far long and 3 win coz I basically swarmed a bunch of dragons and sheet.... this was in ygopro, the deck is gonna ultra slow as F*** in DN with everything being manual >_>... Do youself a favour and to any one else....DOn't Run THAT Deck AT ALL.....


Keep criticism constructive. There was no reason to go off like that over the fact the Deck wins, but people hate playing against it.

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