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How do I Gem-Knight?


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As I wrote earlier, I already added the third Lazuli. I guess I could play Foolish over Turtle, it's faster anyways.


God I miss FuFu in this deck ;^;


You have Chain, it is your foolish.


How does Redox test here? I didn't think he'd be that good, since grave resources generally get scarce quickly.


Also, why the second chain?

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You have Chain, it is your foolish.


How does Redox test here? I didn't think he'd be that good, since grave resources generally get scarce quickly.


Also, why the second chain?


Redox helps making Rank 7s, and Reactan has great synergy with both Lazuli and Obsidian. However, it can be dead sometimes due lack of resources.


And the second Chain has been quite useful, in more than 1 duel I had to go for it (mainly if the first one gets Bottomless'd/Warning'd/etc).

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