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Little Busters! - [OFFICIAL]

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I made this the hopefully official thread for future Little Busters! discussions and whatnot.

I just watched Episode 25, and I just thought of a possible gigantic plot twist:

[spoiler="HUGE POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT. READ ONLY IF YOU SAW EPISODE 25 AND ARE OKAY WITH SPOILERS THAT WILL POSSIBLY FOREVER AFFECT YOUR OUTLOOK ON THIS ANIME!!"]When Riki had his traumatic experience, he had a coma or something and 'created' the world of the Little Busters! to try to cope. The people there in that world might've been based off real life things he saw. That's what the great mystery could be, Kyousuke acts as a mentor to help him prepare again for the real world, and he 'knows' the 'future' because he's a part of Riki's mind, and he places the riddles. That's why some seemingly magical things happen because it's all in his mind.[/spoiler]

EDIT: Never mind. Realized my theory was close, but wrong. Why did I have to be so curious? Damnit! xP *preforms self brain surgery on self with knife to try to forget*
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With this being so close to finished, and a second season not actually being confirmed yet (even though it's clearly been stated they plan to make one), I don't think this'll stay open long enough for there to be any point in calling it official.


Hope they don't screw up if they ever get to Refrain, like with a second season... cause that's supposedly the best part.


Anyways, love it, but apparently Kud's route is one of the worst, and I'm gonna have to agree with that. Still hope it wraps up nicely though, since I'm in need of catching up.

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