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How do? [Banisharks]

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I really want to learn how to use them. Really fun in testing; deck obviously needs work.


Monster - 19

3x Airorca

3x Deep Sea Diva

3x Flyfang

2x Big Jaws

2x Skystarray

2x Spearfish Soldier

2x Spined Gillman

2x Wingtortoise


Spell - 13

3x Aqua Jet

2x Fish and Swaps

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Pot of Duality

1x Book of Moon

1x Dark Hole

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn


Trap - 8

3x Oh F!sh!

2x Torrential Tribute

1x Return from the Different Dimension

1x Solemn Judgment

1x Solemn Warning




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Don't use Big Jaws ever. Skystarray is all-around better. Aqua Jet isn't as good as cheap monster disruption like Compulsory or Fiendish Chain. You will never need more than 1 Fish and Swaps. Spearfish Soldier is unreliable; I recommend Deep Sea Diva.


I like Friller Rabca or Necro Gardna in this Deck because you can loop it with Leviair.

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Don't use Big Jaws ever. Skystarray is all-around better. Aqua Jet isn't as good as cheap monster disruption like Compulsory or Fiendish Chain. You will never need more than 1 Fish and Swaps. Spearfish Soldier is unreliable; I recommend Deep Sea Diva.


I like Friller Rabca or Necro Gardna in this Deck because you can loop it with Leviair.


I've never once drawn Big Jaws and Aqua Jet hasn't been overly useful, so I won't have a problem getting rid of those. I've already got 3 Deep Sea in here

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I've played these before, and Underworld Egg Clutch would be useful, i also recommend Fish and Kicks.


And, i haven't tried this, but a combo of Instant Fusion, any LV5 or under Water Fusion, and Dimension Explosion might work.


Fish and Kicks isn't useful enough to make me want to use it.


And those cards will take up way to much room.

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