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Stupid immune system...

Eisei Proxy

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Sometimes, my stomach has a period, but its not once a month, its completely random. It feels like it wants to kill, like an actual woman.


Also. don't eat cake batter and Diet Dr. Pepper. You will puke out your insides.

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Not really. Other than the fact I know I have a cold coming...since last Monday. Just lately cold always = being sick and coughing a hell of a lot. I have the cough so I know there must be a cold somewhere. If the cough is still here next Tues, I'm off to the doctors, because my sleep is effected. Saying that I was so exhausted last night by my 13 hours of work, I got more sleep this morning (I was home at 12:45am) than I have the last few days.

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ah, i'm just getting over a cold myself, yet it turned into a flu which caused a migraine, basically one illness usually leads to another- hopefully somebody understands my pain- and it just snowballs out of control until i'm bedridden or hospitalised...hehe..heh...heh...yeah

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I think I've only ever had one migraine...which made me bring up my dinner. I tend to not suffer much from headaches saying that my new glasses caused one yesterday. I've given up hoping I have a cold to stop my mild asthma (I don't think the doctors are sure if I have asthma or not) and it's only sign is coughing alot. I need to eat better that's my problem, but I suppose working with young children (5/6) I should expect more colds.


Stress/Run down does make you more prone to everything. They linked it to me having hair falling out when I was about 15 , normally you shed 100-200 strains a day I shed that more than that luckily it didn't come out in clumps, didn't help my hairs' general poor condition.

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I cough until I struggle to breathe. It's my doctors fault not me really they've tested me, usually during my better times lately though I have felt tight on the throat . Problem with my coughing is I suffer from a weak bladder so we know how that goes...


My hair has always had medicore condition and I'm prone to dandruff, currently I'm being treated by a mild scalp infection. I did get told to wash it once a week, but when you're out for 5/7 you need to wash it 3 times a week.

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Well they thought I had it when I was 5, 10, and 15 after that they've just left me to get checked every so often. It's only apparently when I have a cold, that's the only time I get my coughing issues. I'm just glad my chest hasn't started hurting from all the coughing.

I do have an inhaler  (a purple one), which being a preventer is useless when I'm in full flow, and about to be sick.

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Sometimes I'll get an ordinary cold like most people, but most of the time it involves my allergies evolving into extreme symptoms that essentially render me sick, and that drives me up the wall.

What I did find interesting that I learned recently was that people get sick in colder weather because they simply spend more time inside with other people rather than the actual weather bringing about the symptoms. For a kid who's been an introvert for so long in his life, you'd think I'd end up sick more often.

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