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The Wolverine

King of Games

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Damn, I wish they adapt the tale of Wolverine going to Japan instead of making their own shit up with Wolverine being track down and brought to Japan. On a side note, trailer looks good but the train fight irks me. CGI was pretty bad there. Hope it's better than Origins. That movie was atrocious.

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I'll be seeing this for my birthday. It's been ages since I saw Origins, but I remember liking that and even The Last Stand, but I imagine they won't hold up, and I can see why they're so hated. It may not be the story people want, but come on, they switched the order for The Dark Phoenix Saga and God Loves, Man Kills, so I think we can let them get away with this. I'm happy that that this is set after The Last Stand, but I wonder what lies in store for the series once Days of Future Past comes out.

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I'll be seeing this for my birthday. It's been ages since I saw Origins, but I remember liking that and even The Last Stand, but I imagine they won't hold up, and I can see why they're so hated. It may not be the story people want, but come on, they switched the order for The Dark Phoenix Saga and God Loves, Man Kills, so I think we can let them get away with this. I'm happy that that this is set after The Last Stand, but I wonder what lies in store for the series once Days of Future Past comes out.

Whenever a movie uses History, I usually love it. Xmen Origins:Wolverine is one of my favorite Xmen movies simply for that regard.

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Hated Origins. Trailer doesn't intrigue me at all but so does First Class' trailer and that movie really blew me away. Other than that, the cinematography on this is really great and very different in tone compare to the pre First Class movies.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Excited would be the perfect word to use. I've been a fan of all X-men movies except for the third one, because it follows a standard formula for a movie trilogy (it's supposed to be an epic finale with lots of fights, and it is) and I didn't like that - it didn't surprise me. Origins was awesome I think - not for the story or, god forbid, for the Baraka (I'm not going to dare say that it was Deadpool), but rather because it was a Wolverine movie and I love Wolverine. First Class was great because it implemented History in it, but didn't like it as much because, well, only one scene with Wolverine. And I predict I'm going to love this movie because, well, it's called The Wolverine, and, yeah, my point can't be more clear...

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Since Origins was a giant pile of dogshit that ignored what was going on in all of the other movies, and this one is actually written by the guy who made X-Men... yeah, safe to say I'm expecting this to be better.

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