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Because I felt like doing some taboo [60card.dek Six Samurai Tenki Gladiator Beast] #12

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I played this at locals.




Round 1 vs. Skill Stun (1:0)

(1st Turn Shi En) Match 1: I pull a bunch of shenanigans dropping Shi En first turn and then proceed to destroying skill drain with an MST and troll with Gladiator Beast Control through the game.

(1st Turn Shi En) Match 2: He opens early Skill Drain and gains advantage with 2000 Beatstick Photon Tigers, Alexandrites and Gene Warped Wolves plus backrow despite my early Shi En for game. I can't beat over them  in time! D:

Match 3: Open with Gladiators first round (Tenki-> Laquari) and set 2 backrow (Starlight and Chariot) while keeping Zanji and Kizan in hand. He opens MST and pops my Starlight, but then summons Tiger and attempts to add, I negate. He sets 3 face-down. I draw into Six Sams united. Attack with laquari, he flips Skill Drain. End turn. He draws and opens Alexandrite to beat over my laquari, passes turn. I draw into Heavy Storm, think about it, shrug, and go Heavy to clear our backrows. Drop Six Sams United, Drop Zanji, Special Kizan, Draw into Grandmaster and Gateway...do you really need more info from there?


Round 2 vs. Merlantians (1:1)

(1st Turn Shi En) Match 1: He controls my shennanigans by popping everything with 1-for-1 effects and ramming my Shi En over with Abyssleed and then I can't recover against a pair of Megalos

(1st Turn Shi En) Match 2: I open D. Fissure AND Shi En turn 1, and he can't play crap with a handful of monsters and now useless Spells/Traps.

Match 3: He sets control first turn against my Gladiators and when I try to shift gears, he brings out Big Eye to take my Shi En for game.


Round 3: vs. Wind-Ups (2:1)

(1st Turn Shi En) Match 1: I begin with Shi En and end with Shi En. His backrow and bounce bunnies had nothing on that.

Match 2: Back and forth between his Xyzs and my Gladiators until he brings out Magician and over runs me with volca and Papi.

Match 3: I open gladiator control from round 1 and stay in control despite his bouncing bunnies.


Round 4 vs. HERO Beat (3:1)

(1st Turn Shi En) Match 1:I have the perfect hand: Gateway + 2 United: Normal Kageki, Special Kagemusha, add/Special 2 Kizans, then add 1 Kizan and 1 Grandmaster, Synchro into Shi En, Special Kizan, add Enishi and Zanji, Special Grandmaster draw 4, overlay for Shock Master, Set Starlight, MST, Compulsory and Lance. Yeah...he had nothing.

Match 2: He summons alius and sets 2 backrows. I heavy and he scoops.


Round 5 vs. Fire Fist (4:1)

(1st Turn Shi En) Match 1: Shi En vs. Fire Fist...yeah that's bad.

Match 2: He sets up his backrow early and hits my Laquari's hard with Bear + Tensen which ultimately leads to my doom.

(1st Turn Beast + Shi En) Match 3: 2 Assetisims, + Kageki + Kagemusha = very nasty. Also, Starlight + Fiendish Chain.


Round 6 vs. Shadows92 Dark World (5:1)

I won both rounds...it was just unfair for commentary.


Round 7 vs. Macro Rabbit (5:2)

I think I was tired on this one...cuz I missplayed so many times >_< I should've played cool.

Match 1: I over extend, he runs over my stuff with a Kabuzols

Match 2: Same thing.


End Result: #12. 4 Spots behind top 8. For a troll deck, I was more than satisfied.

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