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The Mod's Advanced Clause

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Why do I get the feeling the discussion will turn into a slap on the wrist for the mod-in-question? Maybe it could be probation for first offense where the mod-in-question has to answer to another mod for say 2 weeks?


The mod on probation should be demoted until their case is reviewed by the others. Or something like that.

A whole lot of distrust here. Believe it or not, we actually do call other mods for doing a bad job. :/

The only actual punishment that would befall a mod while they're being reviewed is removing the ability to access the ACP, because we don't want a renegade mod.

I'm also curious on three things:
1. Do you guys really think this is of earth-shattering importance? Like, personally, idgi
2. Do you honestly think any of the current staff would knowingly break this rule? (because you keep talking about what happens when they do)
3. Anyone else wondering if people support this because it gives them a 1% increase in chances of becoming a mod?
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1. Not earth shattering tbh, but something that should have been done ages ago.
2. I consider this new policy as a way to deter those who would do what this is preventing. It draws the line as to what would happen if they disregard this and continue what they are doing.
3. Not really. I'm just glad this is getting done.

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Could care less personally.


But it's just annoying when Mods lock topics (particularly in CC) without giving a reason - whether they assume people know the reason or not.  It doesn't take a lot of time and it makes things hella simpler.

Sometimes I can see where the mod's coming from though. Being a former mod it's sometimes tiring to deal with the bs some people bring to the table.

The rule here though is a good one to be enforced, at the least it'll stop the complaints about "MOD LOCKED TOPIC FOR NO REASON WAAAHHH!!!"

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People will still complain about that if they don't like the reason.


Maybe it's just because I feel as though we shouldn't cater to stupid people, but I see this as highly unnecessary. I mean, I don't care if it gets instituted or not, but if you do, there's no reason to go straight to demoting a mod for it. That's just silly.

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Let me do a bit of clarifying.

They won't be able to LEGITLY complain like that.

Because people can still see the stupid and the reason it was stupid.


Eh, even if someone gets a reason for why it was locked, they'll still complain about it. All this will really do is make the mods look better, and most already do this.


It doesn't solve any pressing issues honestly and I don't see why this is such a focus right now.


The only section this will do anything in really would be CC, and honestly half of the people who get their thread locked in CC don't care about reasons. They just want to bitch and moan when they don't get their way half the time.


And why does everyone need to see the reason it was locked? It wasn't their thread, it shouldn't matter to them once it's over and done.


It isn't a horrible idea, some of the logic behind it just seems silly and faulty.

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Eh, even if someone gets a reason for why it was locked, they'll still complain about it. All this will really do is make the mods look better, and most already do this.


It doesn't solve any pressing issues honestly and I don't see why this is such a focus right now.


The only section this will do anything in really would be CC, and honestly half of the people who get their thread locked in CC don't care about reasons. They just want to bitch and moan when they don't get their way half the time.


And why does everyone need to see the reason it was locked? It wasn't their thread, it shouldn't matter to them once it's over and done.


It isn't a horrible idea, some of the logic behind it just seems silly and faulty.

I think the biggest deal is just keeping a professional attitude, so it can't look like mods are locking topics just because.A


And I'm pretty sure the reason is for the creator, not the public.

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I think the biggest deal is just keeping a professional attitude, so it can't look like mods are locking topics just because.A


And I'm pretty sure the reason is for the creator, not the public.


>Professional attitude


I think that was lost around the time Icy was a mod, Yankee was a mod, and Crab Helmet was a mod.


Not to mention, no offense to her, Pika isn't the most professional person either.


I can understand that. My point is most mods already do it. The only section affected by it is CC due to the sheer number of threads that end up locked, and like I said, most people there will bitch no matter what the reason is.


I just think it's not really a needed thing to worry about. People will just find something new to bitch about if this does work, which I don't think it will.


I will mention again that I don't oppose the idea entirely, I just feel like you're all being far too hasty about it. It feels like it needs polishing to be effective.

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>Professional attitude

I think that was lost around the time Icy was a mod, Yankee was a mod, and Crab Helmet was a mod.

No reason it couldn't be reclaimed. Sure, some people have taken steps towards hurting YCM's reputation though I don't see why a step in the positive direction would be seen with such disdain.

I imagine a man who has about ten thousand dollars in debt and, when someone comes along and offers him 1000 dollars, he refuses it just because it's too little.

It feels like it needs polishing to be effective.

What part do you feel needs to be polished?
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An advantage of the rule is that it means mods have to at least present their logic for locking threads. Also, they'll have to have more reasonable reasons for giving warns or bans. Sometimes a person might get banned and other mods don't know the exact reason without researching the person extensively. This is rare, but it has happened.


With myself as an example, I'll sometimes lock threads that have no chance of getting productive discussion or criticism (Your Deck topics), or the OP is being stubborn. If I just lock it, the OP might get annoyed that a thread where people were arguing with him got locked for no apparent reason. But if I lay it out on the spot that the thread has no potential and is wasting space by flagrantly ignoring all help or being deliberately bad and hopeless to fix with an argumentative OP...well, then I'm fully justified and there's no uncertainty.

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I like how this was just instated and Pika has already broken it.

Wow, I can't believe you made it this far in life without being able to read. I'm impressed.

Good with everyone? If so, consider it official policy tomorrow whenever I get back from work. e_e

Since I'm now back from work this policy goes into effect now.

If you wish to discuss anything else, my inbox is still open if you want.
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Wow, I can't believe you made it this far in life without being able to read. I'm impressed.

Since I'm now back from work this policy goes into effect now.

If you wish to discuss anything else, my inbox is still open if you want.


Thanks babes. Although it would help if you actually set an example instead of just being what you're trying to stop. c:

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Well, I'm happy with the revised version, - how ever little my opinion counts for - so, now all that's needed is an official news post and this topic can be rightfully locked.


And as for those finding this senseless, or those who are surprisingly delighted about it; I really think it's just one minor step. I'm not sure towards what, but if the sites making progress, that's a lot more than it could say once upon a time.


So yeah, mods, keep doing what you're doing and all that.

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