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[Mtg] Legion Loyalist

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One of those cards that seems explicitly designed for Legacy.

I mean, Goblin Piledriver with fucking First Strike, Trample, and protection from Lingering Souls.




Piledriver is a whole world apart from this card. It isn't bad by any means but he would be lucky to see play in a Modern Goblin deck.



Edit: I miss read what you wrote horribly. 

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Why? The only thing he does is get you pass Spirits. None of the Goblin decks I've seen seem like decks that would want this.

probably for the first strike and trample. I don't know anything about legacy goblins, but I can guess they have ways to make the goblins bigger then 1/1s to make use of the at least first strike

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Goblin Piledriver.

First strike.


Protection from Lingering Souls.

Seriously, how dense are you?





I still don't think playing something that gets walled by Deathrite is what you want in a format full of him. However, I can at least see why he would be played. I forget he gives trample tbqh.

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