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Verz, or, How I Learned To Stop Hating So Much And Love The Anti-Meta

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No MST and Heavy? How are you doing to get rid of annoying traps? I also don't find running Lance needed, though many use it, so it might be helpful? I run CED as well, great for Castor, and also helps you bounce your opponent's guys away.


My extra is like this, I find this a pretty good balance, though the one you run is good:


-Bahamut x2

-Ophion x2







-Shock Master


-Disigma (New addition)

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Honestly forgot about MST, but Heavy's in there. Thing is, most of the time the deck can either take the hit for a turn, recover from being solemned, or has lance/Infestation ready to cover itself incase of a Bottomless/D-Prison/Torrential.


How does compulsory work with Castor? I'm actually curious about this.


Lance is like extra Infestations, but can also be used on opponent's monsters to great effect. It's a really good card.


The only card I'm feeling iffy about in the extra is Nightmare, and he'll only be in there until Master Key Beetle comes out on DN.

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yes, thats a good reason to ditch the multi-use disruptive book of moon. "bad stats". god. ANYWAYS, your deck looks fairly solid. you could probably move eev to side and ditch a mandragora for mst or something. also throw thanatos in the garbage. its effect is useful so rarely youre better off with a staple rank 4 like blackship.

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Ditch Mind Con and 1 Mandragora for 2 MST. You should have Corn, too, like Claire said.

Don't ditch Nightmare because it actually has niche uses.

I'm still on the edge of if I like to have it, but it can safe you at times, just not sure what to get rid off for it.

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3 Mandragora is too much and Mind Control is useless when playing decks that don't run level 4s, plus you normally want to make Ophion anyway. 

Honestly what Black says is totally right.


pretty much. though you should still side that one eev since its pretty much, as you said, a huge hand clogger game 1. max out something you like, i personally run 3 lance because you can never have enough lance (wahaha) but honestly its up to you.

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