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Fourth Walls Breaks


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Note that there's a difference between a reference and a fourth wall break. Ex. a Nintendo Wii in Pokémon is not a fourth wall break, it's simply a reference, and is also an object that is a part of the world/gameplay (in old games a Gameboy was seen when trading, also with NPCs. Meta/Paradoxes are considered breaking the fourth wall to me, as characters should not be able to play a game about themselves, because they're already in said game. So without further ado:
Which are you favorites?

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Video Game Section Kyng... though the mods could move this to general if they wanted to, just need to edit my first post then.

Frankly, my dear, I don't know why you didn't put it in general in the first place.

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Moved to general.


Fourth wall breaking seems pretty common in cartoons. I think the Ed, Edd and Eddy vid took most of the ideas I had.

The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy: Episode Pandora's Lunchbox.

Billy (Imitating Mandy): Couldn't you two come up with some new material, you're boring me. Who writes this stuff anyway? (Shows a baby and a typewriter).


He's Not Dead, He's My Mascot:

Mandy: Oh great another stinking episode about pets, that's it (Starts walking out of episode). I'm out of this cartoon.Let me know how it goes.

Billy: Psst Grim, Mandy left. What do I do now? They're all watching.

Grim: (Out of episode) : I'm not in this scene Billy, just keep going.

Billy: Will do. (Continues scene)


Phineas and Ferb is full of them: Here's a list

Favourites are: In 'Across The 2nd Dimension' during the song 'Brand New Best Friend' Doofensmirtz sings that he met the voice actor who played Meap (Meapless in Seattle, The Chronicles of Meap).) And  'That's The Spirit' where Phineas refers to the number of days feeling more than 104 (reference to the number of episode which is at the time 135)


Earthworm Jim:

The Origin Of Peter Puppy:

Jim: Please to meet you Mr (pauses), hey you don't look like the president

Generic President: I'm one of those generic presidents they use on tv to keep shows from becoming dated.


Sidekicked (episode loses colour twice, Jim also uses the animaters pencil to rub out Evil The Cat)

Jim: It's not the end of the universe the show's budget ran out again.

Jim: I better write a cheque to Universal before this turns into a radio show.

Evil: A quick note to the script department of universal cartoons should provide an answer. (Waits after faxing and recieves a script prompt)


Jim: I've gone colour blind from exhaustion.(looks round) Hang on, oh no not again

Peter: (Exits house) Hey hey what's going on

Jim: The show's budget ran out. That's the 5th time this week


Peanut Of The Apes: An audience focus group is shown discussing (in episode), an audience member then votes on the outcomes of the show.

Jim: (having just allowed Peter to run into the wall) Sure it looks cool when people run into a wall in a cartoon, but Peter has just demostrated what would happen in real life. (Peter approaches in demon form) So remember kids just say no to running into walls. It may not be the cool thing, but it's the smart thing. (Peter attacks him)

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Deadpool is probably the main perpetrator here, but that's already taken.


George of the Jungle is quite cool for it, and most stuff with a narrator does it at some point or another.


Do Parodies count? Because YGOTAS is definitely a great show for the fourth wall breakage.

Parodies do not count, but media that are meant to be funny do.

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