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bad Hazy Hieratics (edited)


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idgi. Are you trying to pull of something like "Surprise Match 2 entirely different deck lol" or something?


Why not make it pure Hieratic Xyz?



-Curse of Dragon


+Luster Dragon #2

-0-1 Nebthet(s) [not that great, really.]

-3 Genex ally Birdmans

-1-3 Cardcar D

+1-3 Maxx "C"

Try Upstart goblin instead of reckless greed

+1-2 MST


More cards that might fit here (match 2):


+Monster slots (worst case it becomes upstart goblin)

+Hieratic Seal of Supremacy (situational but helps with no Su)


Replace all Rank 5s with Rank 6 and Gaia the Dragon Charger or whatever that is.


Also for side, maybe try Goka the Pyre of Malice, Laval Lancelord, Rekindling (!!) and always 3 of Peryton, that's the best card

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idgi. Are you trying to pull of something like "Surprise Match 2 entirely different deck lol" or something?

Yes, something like that.

Why not make it pure Hieratic Xyz?


-Tyhone It's important that I have a FIRE dragon because of the hazy beasts, but it's mained because I want to save some side deck space.

-Curse of Dragon 


I have a question about this- why not having the option for a rank 5? it also enables plays with birdman, but I really don't mind negging all those if it means more onsistancy. it's just from my understanding birdman is good here...

+Luster Dragon #2 running tyhone as a second target as stated above

-0-1 Nebthet(s) [not that great, really.] I have found myself without any hieratics to tribute for su alot of times, so I tried adding some of those, though maybe I should just add more drawpower.

-3 Genex ally Birdmans See Cursed Dragon

-1-3 Cardcar D

+1-3 Maxx "C" Ok

Try Upstart goblin instead of reckless greed

+1-2 MST


More cards that might fit here (match 2):


+Monster slots (worst case it becomes upstart goblin)

+Hieratic Seal of Supremacy (situational but helps with no Su)


Replace all Rank 5s with Rank 6 and Gaia the Dragon Charger or whatever that is.


Also for side, maybe try Goka the Pyre of Malice, Laval Lancelord, Rekindling (!!) and always 3 of Peryton, that's the best card Well, I wanted to use rekindling at first but there is not enough space for it in the side deck.

thanks for the comment :) I will edit the deck soon

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