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Petition to make a National Park into a Jurassic Park

Limited Edition KING

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So I found this petition after I read the "CISPA is back" thread on here and decided to have a browse on other petitions on the white house website and found this one: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/convert-least-one-1-national-park-dinosaur-clone-park/3GkzyZ6X

So what are your thoughts on this? I personally love dinosaurs based on the influence of Jurassic Park but the thought of actually cloning real dinosaurs is ridiculous to me based on what occurred during the movie when the dinosaurs went berzerk and turned on the people in the park.


I find it funny because whoever created the petition wrote "Nothing could go wrong. No unforeseen consequences. Just educational fun for the Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and small tourist children." They mention two of the main antagonists from the Jurassic Park movie without recognizing the whole problem with the two and countless other Carnivores that they maybe able to bring back. 

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I can't tell if you are being ironically ignorant or not...I think they understand the full impact of mentioning velociraptors and T-rexes, and that they made the petition as a gag. Although, I am going to assume that no one in their right mind would actually think that this petition was serious and that you were being ironically ignorant.


But as for your question, it is a cool idea. BUT no where near practical, safe, or possible. Like you, I find the idea of cloning dinosaurs laughable at best and considering everything that could go wrong with the idea.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't tell if you are being ironically ignorant or not...I think they understand the full impact of mentioning velociraptors and T-rexes, and that they made the petition as a gag. Although, I am going to assume that no one in their right mind would actually think that this petition was serious


With that said someone within the government deems "why not?" and give the go ahead!


Would be cool if it really did happen but I doubt it would happen in the next 50 - 100 years, after all just got done cloning a few sheep and have not manage to clone anything bigger than that!


Plus the whole "they would cause havoc, protection from those things and, the lawsuit form Steven Spielberg and etc. would cause a major hamper in the project.

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