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xox My Rainbow Dragon Deck xox

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  • 3 weeks later...

how do u know that i am not married???

and i know how to play perfectly well.

what makes u such an expert on this game

u are 16 and have 1 card and dont play in real life.

how do u kno how 2 play the game.

shouldnt you be in bed by now little boy??

how do you know about rainbow dragon decks when u dont own it n u dont watch the series?? and whats that one card that u own?? bloody saggi the dark clown

yh i am writing pretty sloppy cause i am tired but i can write just like u at least i passed all my gcsa's with A's


OMFG! U Type bad! Crab said it all. And I made a blue eyes deck that sucked for fun, It could pawn this deck. And just because I am 14 doesn't mean I am little. And u have bad taste in anime. So don't even start with me.

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holy geez its an all out FLAME WAR...cmon, take some of the stuff lightly, they are just words. and who said you had to modify them to whomevers ways? they are just suggestions, not a direct assault to how you live and what you do. personally, im a big fan of the Rainbow Dragons and i personally love the big gunned dragons. however, learning from your peers is the best kind of knowledge you can get, that and those from experienced elders with wisdom and guidance. Crab Helmet is another mod on the forums thats there to help people, not to take things personally and assault with negative comments. if he thinks the decks horrible, then so be it...but thats his opinion and if he supports it, then you should listen. furthermore, you should also do some researching on the FORBIDDEN LIST before making them decks.



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This topic was dead for weeks until it was randomly revived yesterday. The topic creator doesn't even come to the site anymore, as far as I know.

~ L O C K E D ~

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