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[MtG] Hex Parasite

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I sorta wish he got +1/+1, or a +1/+1 Counter and had it be unable to take Counters of Hex Parasite(s). He's a nice 1/1 for 1 that can eat Planeswalkers, +1/+1 Counters and whatever, all for a cheap cost. I sometimes board this for my Local Modern tournement cause there's a guy there that run a lot of stuff with Devour, another guy that runs some wierd +1/+1 counter thing. It having a Phyrexian Black Mana in it's cost for the ability is nice, makes it splashable. Instant speed too, also there's something I love about that flavor text. Oh, it's also an Artifact Creature.





and undying loves it.


"Ach, Hans, Run! It's the Hex Parasite!" - Jace, the Mind Sculptor last words

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