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Just wondering

Master White

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I know this is a children's card game but a lot of smart people actually on this site, so hence why I ask you a question. 


Lets say someone designed a computer or game console with 2 starting games. But say, this console has a switch on the side to choose what design it is. Meaning, you have a windows laptop & an apple, you could create your computer to run on both systems at the same time, or you could run it separately. Now, let's say the genius made his laptop with the same aspect in mind, but it wasn't apple or windows, but two in one completely out of his own. Why would you want to do this. Well, I'm browsing an internet on (windows) & virus pops up, I hit the switch, computer loads up in ( Apple ) instead, virus can't download as it was meant for a different system entirety. But Apple & windows was a reference, these two systems would work together even though the'd be completely opposite of each other. 


Is this possible?

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I know this is a children's card game but a lot of smart people actually on this site, so hence why I ask you a question. 
Lets say someone designed a computer or game console with 2 starting games. But say, this console has a switch on the side to choose what design it is. Meaning, you have a windows laptop & an apple, you could create your computer to run on both systems at the same time, or you could run it separately. Now, let's say the genius made his laptop with the same aspect in mind, but it wasn't apple or windows, but two in one completely out of his own. Why would you want to do this. Well, I'm browsing an internet on (windows) & virus pops up, I hit the switch, computer loads up in ( Apple ) instead, virus can't download as it was meant for a different system entirety. But Apple & windows was a reference, these two systems would work together even though the'd be completely opposite of each other. 
Is this possible?

Isn't still already possible? You can run a pirated version (maybe even a real one I don't know) on a Mac by using some programs.
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